I am a fan of Rhodes products. I use different products of theirs and I am always happy with the results. This is a unique recipe for the ever popular apple pie. I baked this dessert a few weeks ago for my oldest grandson and his friend. They hesitantly asked for small slices, not sure what the taste would be. Before I knew it, they were back for big second slices. My grandson told me twice in two weeks time, that this was the best dessert that he had ever had. Oh, I 'm not sure I believe that claim, but I am sure that he and his friend really liked it. Personally, even though I am not a big desssert fan, I find this "warm out of the oven" dessert, very difficult to resist. It is so quick and easy to make. First of all, you need a pack of these "anytime" cinnamon rolls. Make sure they are the "anytime" version of Rhodes cinnamon rolls.
Above are pictured the other necessary ingredients along with cinnamon.
Since the photo of the recipe did not copy clearly, I will give the easy steps along with each picture.
The package of cinnamon rolls must thaw on the counter top for 45 minutes. On a cutting board, cut each thawed roll into six pieces, and put those pieces into a sprayed 9 inch round pan.
In a bowl, combine apples, sugar cracker crumbs, chopped walnuts or pecans and cinnamon. Stir together, and sprinkle over the cut up rolls. Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 25-30 minutes.
In a separate bowl add the cream cheese from the package of cinnamon rolls and 4 Tablespoons of caramel ice cream topping. Whip together with a whisk, and drizzle over pie, immediately after removing from the oven...
...which will give you a mouth watering dessert that looks just like this. This can be served with a cup of coffee or tea, and if you are really in the mood to splurge...with a scoop of vanilla or butter pecan ice cream.
Tonight, the guys in the family will be finishing up the painting in the house where my daughter, son-in-law and family will be moving. I think this will give them a needed boost in their work.
I think this would make a special gift for someone. Maybe a great Christmas gift for someone...

...when it is baked in a new ceramic plate like this one from TJ Maxx, and then topped with a festive colored ribbon and a sprig of greens. Whether it is for dessert, breakfast, or a gift, I think it may be a hit in your family, especially in this cooler Fall weather.
...when it is baked in a new ceramic plate like this one from TJ Maxx, and then topped with a festive colored ribbon and a sprig of greens. Whether it is for dessert, breakfast, or a gift, I think it may be a hit in your family, especially in this cooler Fall weather.
Very very nice. I have copied this down and do it once before Thanksgiving. Thanks for sharing.
The caramel apple pie looks amazing. I love those cinnamon rolls too. We dont have all the packet mixes and delicious treats like those here in the UK....I would very much like it if we did!
I don'[t think I have ever seen this brand before but I will look this weekend. If I find them, I will give this a try. It looks GREAT! Thanks for sharing!
Awww, what a sweet compliment from your grandson. This recipe sounds like it would be delicious. I am going to look for the cinnamon rolls next time I'm at the grocery store. Thanks for sharing and have a nice weekend.
SOUNDS SOOOO YUMMY! I'm certainly going to try this recipe! Thank you for sharing!
This looks WONDERFUL! I'll be looking for those ingredients tomorrow at the grocery. Can't wait to try this one out. You're right...that would make a wonderful gift for a friend or neighbor. = ) Have a wonderful evening and lovely weekend!
I'll take a piece! Sounds like a fun recipe. Do you think it could be frozen if one were to make more than one?
It sounds like a delish pie for
Thanksgiving too!!!
Thanks for your lovely comment...we are truly blessed Grandmas indeed! (and yes I do smile whenever I look at the photos)
I will definitely be using this Caramel apple pie recipe! I needed something to bring for a snack for Wednesday night Bible Study and this will be perfect!
Thanks so much Judy!
Have a wonderful weekend and blessing to You!
Claudia O.
I've seen lots of sweet treat recipes lately. This one looks extra yummy!
Thanks for your encouraging words on my blog.
God bless your weekend.
Boy oh boy...does that look yummy. Thanks for sharing. It would make a great holiday gift! I baked some Pear Breakfast Cookies today...posted them on my blog.
Happy Baking, Carrie
WOW! This is one I will have to dry perhaps for Christmas. I have not seen Rhodes products out here. I'll have to look specifically for it.
Thanks Judy for always sharing with us. We appreciate you so much.
Love to your beautiful family.
How yummy! That looks wonderful!
I said I would try it and I did! DELICIOUS! My family is gobbling it up! THANK YOU!!!!
This sounds delicious Judy. I can just imagine how wonderful your house smells when you make this yummy treat. Thanks for sharing. I hope you are having a great weekend ♥
Well, you've done it again: inspired me! I drop by for a visit and end up leaving wondering if I have any pretty dishes, or flowers, or ribbons, or ....
Thank you for taking us to a place of class and charm (and calories), though I wonder how you remain so small (I'd weigh 300 pounds due to eating all your yummy fare).
Another great sounding recipe! And I love your idea w/ that pretty plate and adding a festive ribbon - you always have the most thoughtful gift ideas!!
Oh yum!! I've never heard of Rhodes but will be on the lookout for sure now!!
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