Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Double Blessings

Today our daughter and her husband arrived from Texas. They are spending a week with us since they will not be able to be home for Thanksgiving or Christmas this year. We are so excited to have them with us, and look forward to spending times together as a family.

And, also arriving from Texas this afternoon, in the mail. was a box full of wonderful treasures, from a very generous lady in blogland. I won this beautiful," most appropriate for me-
the snowman collector that I am" type gift, from
Cheryl's giveaway. If you never visited her blog I promise you, that you would be so impressed with her photography and her ability to write out her thoughts. Her photography helps one realize just how beautiful the state of Texas is. Her blog is cottagefarmvilla.blogspot.com/ The gift she sent was packaged attractively, and even included a lovely homemade card. Really, this gift was made for me, and I am so thankful that I was the winner. Thank you so much, Cheryl.


Love Being A Nonny said...

Your daughter looks exactly like you!!!!!! BEAUTIFUL...both of you!

Marilou said...

YAY for M & A being in PA!! Can't wait to see them! And you...it has been wayyyyy too long!
Love ya!

Stacey said...

Judy, enjoy your family time. I bet your daughter is so excited to see those twins.

Congratulations on the gift. Perfect timing. :)

Everyday Sparkles said...

What a beautiful daughter you have. Have a wonderful time celebrating with your family.

Melinda said...

Enjoy your time with your family and Congratulations on the win!


Happy@Home said...

How nice that your daughter and her husband could come to see you. I know you will enjoy your family time together.
Congratuations on your win. It looks like you will have a lot of fun decorating for Christmas with all of those cute snowmen.

The Tiquehunters Wife said...

Yes! Your daughter does look like you--and you are such a pretty lady inside and out!
Enjoy your lovely family--what a special time!
How fun you won the delightful giveaway! Speaking of which-if you have the time-pop on over to the Cabin for a few seconds--I'm having a quick Thanksgiving giveaway!
Blessings to you from the Cabin!
Claudia O.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

What a treasure trove!!!! You are well blessed today!

Judy said...

How special to have your daughter and her husband home. Enjoy your time with them.

And how fun to have that special package arrive in the mail...made just for you!

Thoughts on Life and Millinery. said...

Beautiful couple! Between holiday visits are nice too...

Thanks for the blog tip...I sometimes need a peek back at my former location.

I've considered collecting snow men...real ones...figuring that it would be a collect that won't take up storage space during the other three seasons (smile!)

Barb said...

Hi Judy, your gifts look wonderful. Congratulations.

Have a happy time with your family. Your daughter is just adorable....just as you are!

Barb ♥

Shelley said...

Judy - enjoy time w/ your beautiful family! So glad you won that giveaway! I can't think of a more deserving person!!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Judy

Your daughter looks so much like you ...beautiful girl! I'm glad you are able to share this special time together with her and your handsome son-in-law.

The give away you won is charming. There Is something about a snow man that makes everyone smile. Enjoy your gifts!

LisaShaw said...

Enjoy your beautiful daughter and family. I'm so glad you received a blessed gift that was just perfect for you. Isn't that just like the LORD. He knows just the right thing to send our way through people who carry His heart.

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your win! Everything looks so festive. I can't believe Christmas is right around the corner. Your daughter is beautiful! She and her hubby make such a cute couple. I hope you have a wonderful time with your family ♥

Tea with Tiffany said...

Enjoy your family time and your gifts. How precious!

People matter most this time of year. I hope my life shows that as Thanksgiving and Christmas approach. I don't want to get caught up in the materialism and busyness. I want memories that matter. Love and laughs exchanged.

God bless your time together.

Tea with Tiffany said...

Enjoy your family time and your gifts. How precious!

People matter most this time of year. I hope my life shows that as Thanksgiving and Christmas approach. I don't want to get caught up in the materialism and busyness. I want memories that matter. Love and laughs exchanged.

God bless your time together.

Christine said...

Looks like you are a winner, twice!
Daughter & husband home for a long visit and the snowmen!
It's a win, win!

Tracy said...

Wow, definitely double blessings! No doubt you will enjoy every moment of their visit.

Congrats on that giveaway! What a perfectly wonderful blessing! = )

Kathleen said...

Oh my, you sure scored on a number of levels!

I agree with the others who've mentioned how much your daughter looks like you. And it would also appear that your holiday season will be extra-special - - the sort that only we mothers know about.

Blessings on all of you!


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