It all caught me by surprise. This evening I was up in my attic going through some old files, when I first saw it. A "Better Homes and Gardens" magazine from March 1972, a little over two months before I graduated from high school. I can see you all doing the math right now, and thinking to that is how old she is. You are right, and now after reading through this newly found magazine, I am feeling much older. Here is why that is the case...
Imagine a time when this would have the perfect gift for your teenager...just 9.95 plus 2.oo postage. Could we have imagined that someday our teenagers would carry cell phones and ipods everywhere they went. I read on... was valuable info...on how to beat today's $ 75 - day hospital costs. What a vast difference 37 years has made. We probably would not have thought it could be possible if someone would have told us back then, what hospital costs would be in 37 more years. We'd be thrilled if this would be our hospital stay cost today.
Was this really what the cars looked like? What a drastic change from the cars produced today on America's assembly lines. I do think my dad drove a similar styled station wagon back when I was 14 or younger. I remember he took us to Florida one winter in this car. Him, my mom, and my baby sister up front. And the four of us older kids on the middle seat. Off we went driving the 20 some hours that it took to get to central Florida. Of course, we did not use safety belts, at least our family did not.

I remember quite well when fondue pots hit the market. Everybody wanted one. We got one in my home, and my mother had some mighty fun fondue parties. I don't think the fad lasted too long, but it sure was great while it lasted. I do think they are making a comeback today though.
For some reason, I just don't think this type of advertising would sell bananas today. Just my guess.
Here is some more interesting facts on how to mail an airmail card for only .11. Today you cannot even mail a postcard for that amount.

Was this really what they used back then? We thought it was so exciting to be able to listen to dad's records. I wonder where those records are today?

...I have now come to the conclusion that I truly am old, and huge changes have taken place in 37 years. Makes one wonder what will change in the next 37? In the above photo, I am sure I was holding my head that funny way so as not to mess up my perfectly combed to the side hair do. Oh, the joy of our memories...not everyone is so fortunate. Thanks for joining me on this walk down memory lane via a "Better Homes and Gardens" magazine.
Was this really what they used back then? We thought it was so exciting to be able to listen to dad's records. I wonder where those records are today?
...I have now come to the conclusion that I truly am old, and huge changes have taken place in 37 years. Makes one wonder what will change in the next 37? In the above photo, I am sure I was holding my head that funny way so as not to mess up my perfectly combed to the side hair do. Oh, the joy of our memories...not everyone is so fortunate. Thanks for joining me on this walk down memory lane via a "Better Homes and Gardens" magazine.
I'm right there with you, Judy! How fun!! Thanks for the time trip down memory lane!
love the TRIP! The kids today don't know what they'er MISSED. my baby was born in 72!
Judy, that was fun! You were gaw-geous and you still are! Did you realize that girls are wearing their hair exactly like that again?
Oh my goodness! Hilarious!
Your attic discovery brought back many fond memories for me as I grew up in the same era. Hard to believe how much things change. You are just adorable in the last photo. I wouldn't want to mess up that pretty hairdo either.
Can you even believe that? Nice job on your walk down memory lane,a nd cut pic, btw...
Just thought Id stop by and say hello from over here on the coast!
I still can't believe I am 37 years older...oh yes I can...when I think about how tired I am from one day of babysitting =/
Ah...I love the memories from 'way back when'. We don't realize how much things have really changed until we look at old 'snapshots'.
I can somehow picture you looking like those days. It looked good on you! Was that a picture from the Better Homes and Gardens mag as well?
Good morning dear friend! Let me first say congratulations on those adorable new little pumpkins!! How lucky you are to have them so close. I'll travel down Memory Lane with you any day.....those were definitely the the good ole days!! I loved my stereo and records. Don't you just love those bus size station wagons? The first car I had was a ginormous Buick station wagon and I could parallel park it too. Enjoy all those precious babies. Talk to you soon.
I love this post, I really enjoy looking through old magazines. I visited Chicago in 1973 with my family and we had a car just like the one in the photo! The pictures are great. Have a good week!
I found your blog via Cheryl-Cottage Farm Villa.
What a trip down memory lane---I turned 11 that year. Things DO change so fast. Oh, boy.
Have a great day!
In answer to the question of Judy~My Front Porch regarding my picture on this post. No, it was not in the BHandGarden's magazine. My grandma had cut out the picture from our local newspaper. It was in an article about our senior class in high school. I only included it to show another one of lifes many changes since 1972.
Love the station wagon and the record player. My niece thought a record was a giant CD. She also didn't know what an ice tray was for!!!
Judy that was a GREAT trip! What fun to have those kinds of treasures in your attic! Kind of neat to see that the cover of the magazine has pretty much stayed true over all these years... what a simple comfort!
Now that I've had time (thanks to you!) to actually read this post, it was one of your BEST! Fun and interesting...and personal tidbits in between=perfectly great reading!
Love you!
I graduated from High School in 1970 and married my High School sweetheart in 1972. It's so true as-Judy~My Front Porch-said, we don't realized how much things have changed until we take a look back. Old magazines have a way of doing just that! I was just thinking about the cell-phone thing myself as I explained to my 12 year old granddaughter how excited I was to receive a princess phone for my bedroom when I turned 16!
Thanks so much for sharing this Judy-and you were and still are lovely-inside and out!
(I seem to have reverted back to that hairstyle in my old age-tee hee!)
Blessings to you!
Claudia O.
Judy...that was fun...lots of mom had a fondue pot and we had many a meal with hers. Loved the photo of you back then...doesn't seem that long ago does it???
Hey Mom-
What a fun discovery! Things have changed a lot! I loved reading about your memories!
Love you! ash
This is awesome Judy!
I enjoyed the trip and I so love your photo!!! Thanks for sharing special days and times with us.
By the way, some where I have a photo of myself with a banana on my head like that as a child :)
Judy, this was so much fun. What a trip down memory lane.
Barb ♥
That's too funny! And oh my word, I thought I was looking at your second daughter for a second in that photo. Beautiful! :)
love it! thanks for sharing :) cracks me up....
oh my goodness! how fun!
I had a fondue party just last year-it was great!
Great post Judy! I loved the trip down memory lane. It seems we have a lot of stuff these days but is it all really needed? I for one go for the much simpler life. I'm glad we have computers though :>)
It was so nice to catch up with you today Judy. I graduated HS in '71 so I can appreciate the change in time. BH & G was always a wonderful magazine --I still have a subscription.
The world is definitely changing fast...I found a 1991 magazine this morning that I had saved and I was astounded to see how technology has changed since then!i feel sorry for my Mom who is in her late 80's as she really has a hard time trying to keep up with all the changes. She still has a rotary phone and wants the banks to give her a bank book. It makes me realize how important it is to try to keep up with it all else we get left behind. :-(
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