In a town close to our home, located in the farmlands, is a beautiful, sprawling retirement home. This place is most special to us, because it is where my father and mother-in-law resided for many years. Following my father-in-law's death, my mother-in-law continues to enjoy her life here. The gardens in this home are exceptionally lovely. The ground's crew do an amazing job at keeping it all looking so well manicured and full of plants and flowers. This summer we spent time walking through the gardens, and then sitting and talking together on the many different benches provided. It seems like this is one of her favorite pasttimes, and we find it quite relaxing and enjoyable too. She is a dear lady, and we treasure our times with her.
Here is one of the spots we sit and talk together most often. It is a quiet place, and you can hear the water rippling over the rocks.
These pictures were taken in early August. Notice how green and lush everything is.
I like this picture of my husband and his mother. They have many great conversations together. Here they were discussing something and I captured the moment.

Interestingly enough, a few weeks ago, my photographic uncle sent me the following pictures of the same location, only taken in the Fall of this year. There is still color...lots of color, but the grass and bushes are not the lush green of the summer. The tall grasses have changed their color. These pictures just have a different feel to them, then the summer pictures do. That depicts life as we know it, does it not? There is always change taking place.

It fascinated me how different everything looked in another season of the year. It reminded me of life, and how differently life can look from one season to another. My mother-in-law is in a season of her life that she could not have imagined to be, many years ago.

Each season has it's own strengths, and it's own beauty. As I face the next few years of life, may I continually be reminded to stop and appreciate each and every season of my life. And may I remember that things will change, people will change, BUT there will still be some lovely aspects in this journey of our lives.

I continue to learn valuable lessons from those in my life who are living through a different season now, than I am.
Interestingly enough, a few weeks ago, my photographic uncle sent me the following pictures of the same location, only taken in the Fall of this year. There is still color...lots of color, but the grass and bushes are not the lush green of the summer. The tall grasses have changed their color. These pictures just have a different feel to them, then the summer pictures do. That depicts life as we know it, does it not? There is always change taking place.
It fascinated me how different everything looked in another season of the year. It reminded me of life, and how differently life can look from one season to another. My mother-in-law is in a season of her life that she could not have imagined to be, many years ago.
Yes, the scenery is still as beautiful, it is just different. Many of the things have not changed, but many of them have.
Each season has it's own strengths, and it's own beauty. As I face the next few years of life, may I continually be reminded to stop and appreciate each and every season of my life. And may I remember that things will change, people will change, BUT there will still be some lovely aspects in this journey of our lives.
I continue to learn valuable lessons from those in my life who are living through a different season now, than I am.
Thank you to my uncle for sharing his pictures with me, of the Fall season in the gardens.
Wonderful photos.... what a lovely piece of 'heaven on earth'.
A beautiful post that touched me deeply and even brought a tear to my eye. In this season of your mother-in-law's life I am so happy that she is surrounded by such beauty and also surrounded by such a loving family. I believe those are the things that really matter. This week as I was talking to some of the CNAs who helped to care for my mom, they told me that some of the residents never have family members who come to visit them. That just about broke my heart. I especially love your photo of your husband and his mom. Just beautiful.
What a lovely home for your mother in law! I loved the picture of your husband with her too! Touching...
Hi Judy. :) That is a beautiful garden. I bet your mother in law really enjoys the view.
That is a beautiful place. Thank goodness it is lovely and you all visit her. I have worked in a nursing home and it is so sad but true some folks have no one come to visit. These folks usually a found a volunteer to come visit. I feel so fortunate at 72 to be in my own home with HH and feel up to doing all the things to run a home. blessings to your family.
Judy, your pictures are lovely. The one of your husband and mother in law is so touching.
Thanks for your wonderful comment to me. I do appreciate your friendship so much!
Barb ♥
What a lovely post. Loved seeing the photos of your husband and his Mom. What a gorgeous place to spend time visiting together. Loved the photos and seeing the seasonal changes. Thank you for sharing! = )
Judy, this is tender especially the photo of your hubby and his Mother. Beautiful photos, great times being captured.
Thank you for sharing with us. Love you.
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