Tuesday, May 28, 2013

It all happened many days ago.  The computer froze one morning.  We pushed a button we thought would help.  It did not help...it hurt.  It actually would have caused us to loose everything, except for our recently purchased external hard drive.  Our son-in-law took time that he did not have to work on our computer.  Time in between his demanding full time job, his role as husband and father of six children, his role as gentleman farmer and all the other roles he finds himself in.  I have never found anything in the computer realm that he was unable to fix, although this time, we just were not sure he could help us undo our innocent mistake.

So, my desk where I usually work and post from, looked empty.  I realized quickly that I would be missing the blog world more than I had imagined.  I missed visiting your blogs while the evening baseball games were on.  I did ask myself though, is blogging really too much a part of my weeks?  Why do I blog?  Would I miss it if I never went back?  Would I find new places to gain inspiration and diy projects?  What about the dear friends that I made, would I miss them?

Today, he delivered my fixed computer.  He said, "it won't be the same, but he did what needed to be done."
I was so happy to sit down to do this post tonight.  I probably won't be able to catch up on my visits, but I am thankful to be back.

I did spend more time in the late evening, on my porch.  I did read more, and I did have more time on my hands.

And I am thrilled to have the first strawberries of the season.  There isn't anything better in my book...so sweet and so delicious!

My peonies are in full bloom and I am enjoying having bouquets in my kitchen.

So, for now, I am back to blogging, and when I have time, I sure do look forward to visiting your blogs again.  You all are the most gifted people, and I did miss you.

Thanks for stopping by again.


Stacey said...

I would definitely miss you if your computer permanently died. That happened to me a couple of years ago. I lost my pictures which made me really sad. It also made me realize how attached to the computer I am.

Rick/Ruthie said...

I was ready to call you to tell you to come to my house to use our computer. I missed your posts very much. Welcome back!!

Judy said...

You were missed, Judy...and I wondered about your computer woes. My son-in-law is always on call when my computer has issues as well. Aren't SIL's the best? Welcome back!

Your strawberries look amazing!

debi said...

So glad you are back. It's true, our fellow bloggers become the friends we've never met and they are missed.
Looking forward to more of your beautiful posts!


Melinda said...

It is good to see you again.
Those who know what to do with
sick computers are a blessing!
I have asked those same questions
too and I keep on keeping on.


Anonymous said...

I missed you, Judy. Although I do not often comment I always read your blog. I enjoy the updates of your family and am inspired by your recipes, craft ideas and now games and activities to play with grandchildren. Did you know I will be a grandparent again in July and then in October?? I am glad you are back.

Kathleen said...

What is it about a candle that makes an event of everyday doings? Love the idea!

I also love seeing your beautiful blooms. That yard of yours must keep you plenty busy!

An aside ... we used to have a Peony bush when our daughter was a baby. The fuzzy caterpillars loved it, and she loved them ~ so much so she actually got one into her mouth before we could grab it. I still laugh, just thinking about it.


Anneliese said...

I'm glad to know where you've been! That is a scary thing when the computer crashe., It has happened to me and I so understand the panicked feeling. Whatever did we do before? I keep thinking I'm glad there was no blogging to think about when I had little kids.
It's a nice thing for this stage, though.


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