For some reason, the older I get, the less comfortable it feels to wish others a "Happy New Year" .... it seems a bit superficial.
"Happy" does not seem to be a realistic word to use in today's world.
So, instead, using the words and insights of a most gifted writer, Roy Lessin, in his book, "Meet Me in the Meadow," I will share what he wrote, that spoke to my heart today;
"May you be blessed with;
~ Comfort as you mourn:
~ Peace when you are troubled;
~ Grace when you are needy;
~ Courage when you are afraid;
~ Strength when you are weary;
~ Faith when you are doubting;
~ Hope when you are uncertain;
~ Tenderness when you need to be assured;
~ Wisdom when you need to know the way."
Yes, that is what I wish for you at the beginning on another year.
I have so enjoyed my past year in blogland. Many are the times that I walk past my computer and think that possibly I should do a new post, and the well is dry:) It is most gracious of you all to visit this blog to see what "justalittlesomethingfor you" may be. You visit, sometimes you comment, and you send encouraging emails that continue to be a real blessing in my daily life.
Blogging offers fun and inspiration just like a new magazine does for me. Sometimes when I have spare moments of time, I find it most fascinating to visit all my favorites and find new places of beauty and creativity. My list keeps growing and I am so thankful for all that I learn through my blogging journeys.
So to each and everyone of you, thank you. I feel so blessed!
Wishing you "joy" in the New Year ahead!