Friday, April 9, 2010

Spring has arrived in my little corner of the world.

Time to blow bubbles again...lots of bubbles.

Spring Will Come

"Even in the winter, even in the midst of the storm, the sun is still there. Somewhere,
up above the clouds, it still shines and warms and pulls at the life buried deep inside
the brown branches and frozen earth. The sun is there! Spring will come! The clouds
cannot stay forever."
~Gloria Gaither

Finally...Spring is here!


Rach said...

I'm so happy spring is here. It's a nice change. Beautiful flowers!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pics and flowers and love the color. It does my old heart good to see and think about the sun and all the new life coming up. A great post for a spring day. Blessings

Lovella ♥ said...

Judy.. I am amazed at how fast your part of the world went from winter to spring. My lilacs are still very tight buds but we've had a real cool spell here lately.
I love the bubbles. . lots of bubbles.

Shelley said...

Love seeing spring explode in such beauty in your area! We're moving slowly in Michigan....

Judy said...

Beautiful pictures of spring! We had spring a little early here this year...and now are having to do a little waiting for it to return. Are your lilacs blooming already?

Just a little something from Judy said...

Yes, unbelievably our lilacs are blooming already. The tree is to the south of our home, which means it receives the afternoon sun. I think that is why it has so many blooms on it already. That plus the 80 degree tempatures that we have had this week.

Happy@Home said...

Hooray for Spring!!
Your photos have captured the best parts of this glorious season ~ pretty flowers and kids outside playing again. When I saw your first photo I was really wishing it could be "scratch n' sniff". I love the smell of lilacs, but they just don't do that well here.
I so enjoyed your post today.

a woman who is said...

I can't wait till the scent of lilacs arrive in my garden. Enjoy!

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Yes indeed, spring has sprung! I just love Gloria Gaither...what a talent!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Oh my.... I realize I haven't been in a little while..... for you've redecorated since I've been last!

And I LOVE IT!!!! Warm and welcoming. Beautiful and gracious!

I was intrigued to see your email address on the sidebar -- giftgiver, etc.

Is that your joy? Gift giving? It certainly is mine? I have lots of things that give great joy, but gift giving is right at the top for me.

Thanks for leaving your kind words on my site earlier today. It ministered in my heart!

Thoughts on Life and Millinery. said...

I'm guessing your favorite bud this spring is the beauty blowing soap bubbles! Great photography, and great job catching the "Little Missy" in motion!

(I do feel a bit cheated: we've been married amount of time, and all I've gotten so far are four grandkitties. Guess that is a wealth that will not be getting "redistributed" if you have anything to say about it!)

Tracy said...

Beautiful photos! Not sure how I missed these before. Spring flowers bring such incredible happiness! I was just taking some photos of our tulips. Hope to have them posted soon. = )

Happy Spring!

Kathleen said...

Your flowers are beautiful. I especially love your purple pansies.

Kathleen said...

My cactus doesn't look anywhere near as pretty as your pansies! BUT ... Spring in the desert is every bit as welcome here as it is in rain/snow regions.

Love the photos!



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