Thursday, April 15, 2010

"Here Mom...would you mind if these loaves would finish rising on your kitchen counter? Just let them rise until an inch above the pans, then put them in a 350 degree oven for 1/2 hour. Oh, if you brush each loaf with a bit of melted butter, they will taste even better".
May I tell you, they are the best tasting loaves of bread that I have ever tasted, not to mention how my whole house smelled as I baked them. Not to mention also, that they are made with many healthy ingredients. I wish you could taste them with me.

While the bread was baking,and while she was making some necessary stops and at a hair appointment...I was loving her little ones. Yes, you are right...they are on top of my kitchen table. I set the little ones up there for their own protection, and never without my supervision.
Yes...I gave their sister permission to sit up with them for this picture. You can see, she was quite pleased with that privilege. Her little scar above the eye...resulted from falling down the stairs last week.

He was so intriqued by the pot holder mits I used to remove loaves of bread from the oven...and no I do not have matching ones. I just use what I have on you can see they have survived many years in my home:)

The "Back Yardigans" were on the television. Life is good!
"As the years pass, I am coming more and more to understand that it is the common, everyday blessings of our common everyday lives for which we should be particularly grateful."
~Laura Ingalls Wilder


Happy@Home said...

With all the happy activity happening at your house, unmatched oven mitts are not a priority :-).
The picture of the 3 of them on the table is soooo cute.
I am sure your daughter was happy to be able to run her errands knowing that her precious children were being taken such good care of by their grandma.
That bread looks delicious. I'm amazed that your daughter has time to make bread.

Stacey said...

Life is good. :)

Judy said...

Love that Laura Ingalls Wilder true! And I'm smiling at your precious grands...even the little guys are intrigued by Backyardigans. Is the 'ovenmitt model' yesterday's secret Santa?

I'm off in search of some good brown bread...though it know it won't be fresh from the oven.

Kim said...

Love the quote you posted from Laura Ingall Wilder. I need to remind myself of that daily. Thanks for sharing.

lindsey said...

Wow that bread looks amazing, I can almost smell it over here! How cute are your grandchildren, but isn't there one missing? Maybe napping?
Thanks for visiting my blog and your comments, I appreciate you and your's too!

Kim@Seasons of My Heart said...

What a sweet...sweet time you had with your precious grandbabies!

The bread looks yum-oh! The kid's look adorable...and once are truly an example of an amazing Grandma!!!

Have a BLESSED day my friend.

Anonymous said...

I find that putting these precious pictures on my blog, embed the memories in my brain much deeper and cause my heart to really appreciate them. Every 6 months, I have my blog printed and sent to me in book form. Better than a journal. Blessings

Tracy said...

So sweet!!! I'm sure they love spending time with you.

That bread looks (and sounds) amazing! I haven't made homemade bread in a very long time. You're's one of the most heavenly aromas ever!

Debbie said...

I am a bread lover and can imagine what those smelled, felt and tasted like. Unfortunately, I am trying desperately to take off a few pounds in a short time and have gone the route of protein and veggies, leaving off white stuff and grains. I hope it helps, cause I really love bread and I miss it.

Thoughts on Life and Millinery. said...

I'd rather watch those kids at your house than TV any day!

Connie said...

I can smell the bread already!!! You are a busy grandma and how your joy shines thru. Love the smile of the little one on the counter with her brothers...Made my day! The boys are getting so big already and so cute!!

Life is good!!


Beth at Aunties said...

Yummy looking bread and you couldn't ask for a better day with all that loving. They are beautiful children and have such sweet faces. They are blessed to have a grandma close by to love them when mom needs a little help.
I loved the quote and Yes! Life is good. :-)

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I've always loved that quote by Laura Ingalls Wilder ( and I'm a big fan of al her delightful books!)

So true, Judy! The days spent with children and grandchildren are always the best days.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Those loafs looks extra yummy! Makes me want to go make some too.

And those babies... oh my... they are all precious to see!

I enjoyed and can relate as well to the Laura Ingalls quote you shared.

Wishing you many happy moments this weekend! said...

These little ones are so adorable, I could hug each one of them! Grandkids and homemade bread... what a winning comination!

Melinda said...

Way tooooo cute!


southerninspiration said...

Oh what adorableness!!! And that bread looks delish!!!


The Redhead Riter said...

So you got the best of everything...yummy bread, great smells filling your home and adorable grandchildren loving you immensely.

Mahek said...

Your grandchildren are sooo cute!!!
Thanks for being an inspiration you write very well...


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