Saturday, October 31, 2009

My Attic Discovery

It all caught me by surprise. This evening I was up in my attic going through some old files, when I first saw it. A "Better Homes and Gardens" magazine from March 1972, a little over two months before I graduated from high school. I can see you all doing the math right now, and thinking to that is how old she is. You are right, and now after reading through this newly found magazine, I am feeling much older. Here is why that is the case...

Imagine a time when this would have the perfect gift for your teenager...just 9.95 plus 2.oo postage. Could we have imagined that someday our teenagers would carry cell phones and ipods everywhere they went. I read on... was valuable info...on how to beat today's $ 75 - day hospital costs. What a vast difference 37 years has made. We probably would not have thought it could be possible if someone would have told us back then, what hospital costs would be in 37 more years. We'd be thrilled if this would be our hospital stay cost today.

Was this really what the cars looked like? What a drastic change from the cars produced today on America's assembly lines. I do think my dad drove a similar styled station wagon back when I was 14 or younger. I remember he took us to Florida one winter in this car. Him, my mom, and my baby sister up front. And the four of us older kids on the middle seat. Off we went driving the 20 some hours that it took to get to central Florida. Of course, we did not use safety belts, at least our family did not.

I remember quite well when fondue pots hit the market. Everybody wanted one. We got one in my home, and my mother had some mighty fun fondue parties. I don't think the fad lasted too long, but it sure was great while it lasted. I do think they are making a comeback today though.

For some reason, I just don't think this type of advertising would sell bananas today. Just my guess.

Here is some more interesting facts on how to mail an airmail card for only .11. Today you cannot even mail a postcard for that amount.

Was this really what they used back then? We thought it was so exciting to be able to listen to dad's records. I wonder where those records are today?

...I have now come to the conclusion that I truly am old, and huge changes have taken place in 37 years. Makes one wonder what will change in the next 37? In the above photo, I am sure I was holding my head that funny way so as not to mess up my perfectly combed to the side hair do. Oh, the joy of our memories...not everyone is so fortunate. Thanks for joining me on this walk down memory lane via a "Better Homes and Gardens" magazine.

Friday, October 30, 2009

The Little Pumpkins

Last year's little pumpkins, bring back fun memories.

It seems like they grow so much in one year's time.

You can see from this picture, that she wants to put on her shoe, and is having a difficult time finding her feet. Love those cute little feet!
Happy Halloween to all of you!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

In the Gardens

In a town close to our home, located in the farmlands, is a beautiful, sprawling retirement home. This place is most special to us, because it is where my father and mother-in-law resided for many years. Following my father-in-law's death, my mother-in-law continues to enjoy her life here. The gardens in this home are exceptionally lovely. The ground's crew do an amazing job at keeping it all looking so well manicured and full of plants and flowers. This summer we spent time walking through the gardens, and then sitting and talking together on the many different benches provided. It seems like this is one of her favorite pasttimes, and we find it quite relaxing and enjoyable too. She is a dear lady, and we treasure our times with her.

Here is one of the spots we sit and talk together most often. It is a quiet place, and you can hear the water rippling over the rocks.

These pictures were taken in early August. Notice how green and lush everything is.

I like this picture of my husband and his mother. They have many great conversations together. Here they were discussing something and I captured the moment.

Interestingly enough, a few weeks ago, my photographic uncle sent me the following pictures of the same location, only taken in the Fall of this year. There is still color...lots of color, but the grass and bushes are not the lush green of the summer. The tall grasses have changed their color. These pictures just have a different feel to them, then the summer pictures do. That depicts life as we know it, does it not? There is always change taking place.

It fascinated me how different everything looked in another season of the year. It reminded me of life, and how differently life can look from one season to another. My mother-in-law is in a season of her life that she could not have imagined to be, many years ago.

Yes, the scenery is still as beautiful, it is just different. Many of the things have not changed, but many of them have.

Each season has it's own strengths, and it's own beauty. As I face the next few years of life, may I continually be reminded to stop and appreciate each and every season of my life. And may I remember that things will change, people will change, BUT there will still be some lovely aspects in this journey of our lives.

I continue to learn valuable lessons from those in my life who are living through a different season now, than I am.
Thank you to my uncle for sharing his pictures with me, of the Fall season in the gardens.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A Fall Wedding

My sweet neice and the guy she just recently married in a destination wedding. The destination was the Rocky Mountains. Sadly, we were not able to attend this wedding, due to other circumstances back home, but I was so happy to receive these pictures of a little girl I watched grow up into a lovely young lady. Whenever I see these pictures, I realize again how much I missed by not being at this wedding.

The lodge where the wedding was held.

The bride and her father, my handsome brother-in-law.

What a beautiful, rustic, mountain location for a wedding. My other brother-in-law performed the ceremony.

I think the mantle is decorated in a beautiful Fall theme. I was told the windows beside the fireplace, overlook the mountains. As the ceremony was taking place, snow was lightly falling outside. What a perfect setting! the first week of October was an added blessing.

My dear BIL and SIL, with their daughter and new son-in-law. How happy they all look.

My neice, the bride, baked all of these loaves of bread. I heard it took her an entire day. They were used to give table numbers to the guests at the reception. What an act of love on her part.

The wedding cakes looked so good displayed on the vibrant green linens.

I thought you might enjoy seeing a few of the pictures from their wedding day. For me, I always enjoy seeing wedding photography, especially of those near and dear to me and my family.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Remember my apron giveaway? Cynthia@accomplishedwoman won the apron. I told you that I would show you the one she chose, before it was mailed to her. This is the one. A beautiful, soft, pastel flowered creation. It will be folded in tissue paper, with custom made tag, and put in the white box with the" apronsbyjuliaann" logo, and mailed in another box.

As I was photographing this apron for all of you, I was reminded again of the perfectly done workmanship of the apron. If you ever need a very special gift, you may want to email, "" requesting to see her Picasa Apron Album, so you too can order one of her masterpieces.
As for Cynthia, I hope you enjoy wearing this lovely apron as much as I enjoy wearing mine. And, if you have never visited Cynthia's blog, I would recommend you do. She is a talented, creative lady.

At a family dinner on Sunday evening, I saw this platter of tiny cookies on the dessert counter. I was fascinated by the size of the cookies, and learned that they were made for a baby shower the night before. One of my artistically creative neices attended a "mini dessert baby shower", held for a good friend. Everyone brought "mini" desserts. I liked this concept, because it provided an opportunity to taste more than one cookie. Now, even though I am not a real cookie fan, the two that I tasted on this platter, were amazing! So, I do think I will be baking "tiny" cookies from now on...

...speaking of "tiny", this photo was captured on my kitchen floor on Friday afternoon. The twins first visit to our home. What miracles!!! What blessings!!!
Wishing each of you a rewarding day, in one way or another. Remember even tiny blessings are special gifts.

Happy Birthday!

This past weekend, we celebrated the birthday of this special person in our lives. Our youngest daughter turned "22". Even though it was quite a busy weekend, we did have fun honoring her, and all that she means to each of us.
She adds joy, humor, and a helping hand in all of our lives.

Pictured with one of her cousins who happens to be her dear friend too.

Wishing you joy in the year ahead!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

As I sat at my desk one evening this past week, gazing out the window, the neighbor's tree served as a perfect visual reminder, of the way that nature's seasons come and go. Like clock work, they perform their duties, and this tree displays them beautifully. It's tall, strong presence serves as a calming symbol of strength and stability as it gracefully and quietly reveals the changing seasons of life. Without fanfare, the evening sun shown it's spotlight on the branches, creating an artistic display of indescribeable beauty.
"Summer and winter, spring-time and harvest,
Sun, moon and stars in their courses above,
Join with all nature in manifold witness,
To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love.
"Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy faithfulness!"
Morning by morning new mercies I see;
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided-
"Great is Thy faithfulness," Lord unto me!
William M. Runyan

Friday, October 23, 2009

Two Little Words...

"Thank You"...two little words, but filled with impact. We stamped these words onto plain white index cards, cut down to size, punched with a hole...

...made two recipes of our favorite "peanut crunch"(recipe in a past post), broke it into pieces, bagged in clear cellophane bags...

...tied with ribbon and completed with the tag.

...put the little packages into a decorated basket. Ready for the hospital. Our tiny token of gratitude to the many doctors, nurses and assistants that helped with the twin's delivery.

Sometimes the daily routines of life can be brightened by a small word or token of appreciation. The daughter helping with this knows this to be true on a firsthand basis. In her world of nursing, she has experienced "thank you" and it always makes a difference. She told me of a company in the city where she lives, that bakes cookies and delivers them, at the request of clients, to their hospital, warm out of the oven as a token of thanks. Our version is not quite that exciting, but the "how", and the "what" you do to express gratitude in any area of life, is not as important as the fact that it is done. Which leads me to the thought on my heart this morning to all of you for all that you did for us during the birth of the twins...THANK YOU!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Yesterday there was rejoicing. There were many pictures taken. There were first introductions and times of explaining to the children visiting the newborns for the first time. I will share these few pictures with you.

Older sister meets newborn brother for the first time.

In some ways, it seems like only yesterday that I was having a picture taken holding her as a newborn. Today, as I watched her fulfill this role, I was filled with admiration.

Sisters together again for but a brief amount of time, thrilled to be able to share in this very special event.

Words cannot express my heartfelt joy.

To all of you who so kindly commented, and to those who could not, but shared your thoughts and prayers with us...thank you so much! Your friendship is a wonderful gift to each one of us.

They've arrived !

They have arrived.
Two precious baby boys.
One born on the 20th, and one an hour later, on the 21st.
Named after their two grandfathers.
Babies and mother are doing well.
We are grateful beyond words.
Thank you so much for all your prayers and thoughts.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Two Tiny Pumpkins

Middle daughter arrives at the airport this afternoon. Youngest daughter picks her up. She brings with her these two adorable little outfits. Could be for girls or for boys. Tomorrow, at this time, hopefully we will be able to tell you. The birth will be induced tomorrow. We are all looking forward to meeting them, our two, brand new, tiny pumpkins.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

A Celebration Of Nature

I felt the need to share these pictures that I received this week, from my photographer uncle. They were captured on his recent trip to Toronto. Their beauty was a reminder once again to me, of this favorite Autumn season of the year. If you enjoy this season like I do, and if on this lovely Sunday afternoon, it would relax you to view nature's beauty in a part of the world, where perhaps you did not have an opportunity to visit lately, you may want to see these pictures.

"Sassafras, dogwoods, poplars, redbud--all were torched by autumn's brazen fire, displaying their colorful tapestry along every ridge and hogback, in every cove and gorge."
Jan Karon, "These High Green Hills"

Beauty that can brighten our journey and bring a peaceful calmness to our souls. Thank you dear uncle for sharing your skill.

"Autumn is a celebration of nature, its rarefied air tugging at our senses, begging for praise to the Creator."
June Masters Bacher


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