My Uncle upgraded his camera a few weeks ago. He sent me this recent group of pictures that he took. As I sat looking at each picture, I was reminded again of the uniqueness and the purpose of each of these creations. They
individually have their own look, form, color, and purpose. I know for a fact that this peacock never spends time wishing he looked like the hen, or the hen wishing it looked like the peacock. They each go about their lives fulfilling the role in which they were given. I like this picture of the peacock with it's perfectly done hair-do(which never needs hairspray to look that good), and it's vibrant blue coloring.
Look at this hair-do...all done without mousse or hairspray. Imagine how silly it would be if this guy wished his hair would look like the peacocks...or the roosters.

These chickens are fashionably dressed in their black, white and beautiful.

It is with wonder and awe that I look at these pictures. The Creator of the Universe certainly is an artist. I love how each one of His creations have an unique purpose and reason for being on this earth. Just like we as human beings. If only we could all learn to be content with the looks, the body shape, and the personality that we were individually given for very special reason.

Whether tall and thin, or robust like this turkey, or short and stocky like the chickens...they are content in their uniqueness.

I marvel at all of the colorings, and the difference in the colorings of the male and female.

These chickens are fashionably dressed in their black, white and beautiful.
It is with wonder and awe that I look at these pictures. The Creator of the Universe certainly is an artist. I love how each one of His creations have an unique purpose and reason for being on this earth. Just like we as human beings. If only we could all learn to be content with the looks, the body shape, and the personality that we were individually given for very special reason.
Whether tall and thin, or robust like this turkey, or short and stocky like the chickens...they are content in their uniqueness.
I marvel at all of the colorings, and the difference in the colorings of the male and female.
As I begin my week, hopefully I will face it with contentment, knowing that who I am, how I look, and my situation in life, was individually planned and designed for me, with a special purpose.

And hopefully, someone will see beauty in my creation, as I do in each one of these perfectly photographed creations. Uncle, your photograpy is outstanding!
And hopefully, someone will see beauty in my creation, as I do in each one of these perfectly photographed creations. Uncle, your photograpy is outstanding!
Your uncle certainly has a nack for photography! I really enjoyed the pictures and your obeservations with each one. God has created us with a specific purpose and I love how each one of His creations are totally unique!
Excellent! I love all your words that you wrote in this post of yours! Thanks so much, it meant a lot to me! Christina
Good Morning Judy. Just back from Savannah and trying to recover from all the over eating!
Your Uncle's pictures are beautiful. You are so insightful when looking of them. Thanks for being such a great reminder of God's love for us.
Wow Judy is as though we called each other to decide what to post. Your pictures are awesome and the color on them is spectacular. I do agree with you post with my whole heart.
Your uncle's photography is beautiful and I especially enjoyed reading your accompanying thoughts. So true and a good reminder to all of us.
Great photos of unique and wonderful birds. My hubby loves all those exotic birds...used to raise them before I knew him.
I came here from Lovella's post...and thought you two had conspired get the message across. The theme seems to be beauty, contentment and God's unique design for each of us.
Wow! These photos are beautiful and certainly demonstrate exactly what you describe. What a great reminder to all of us.
Thanks for your sweet words of encouragement to me this morning. = )
This is a great post! The pictures are beautiful. Your uncle really knows how to take the most lovely pictures. I also liked your message. It was very inspiring.
Judy, your pictures and your words are so beautiful.
God asks us to be content and I believe He does because He knows the pain it causes us when we compare our lives to others.
Your blog is a true blessing to me, dear friend.
Oh Mrs. Martin I'm so embarrassed! I've failed you and your famous cinnamon rolls! :)
I made them for my sunday school class a little bit ago. You can imagine my surprise when I came downstairs Sunday morning to put them in the oven. Let's just say there was lots of laughing.
I have to tell you though, once I made it look less... "blobish", they turned out soooo well! My pan was empty coming home from church. However, I was more excited when Dustin told me they were the best cinnamon rolls he's had. So compliments to you and your wonderful recipe! I continue to be a fan of your blog!
Love, Janelle
How beautiful! Uncle has a "good eye"! Mmm I think that Turkey would taste good on my table. Gobble Gobble :)
It's amazing to see how God's hand creates and crafts everything to be uniquely different and beautiful.
Thanks for sharing. Love you.
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