On Saturday we spent the evening our daughter and son-in-law's home. We had a delicious dinner! After dinner the air hockey game that we had given to our grandson for Christmas, was brought out to the family room. We had no idea what a big deal this was to these little people, until we saw the great look of anticipation on their faces. And to think that Papaw would be playing too, was even better.

The concentration and expectation were so evident on their little faces. This was BIG!

The most fun for the rest of us, was watching the little ones putting their hearts into playing this game. Even our granddaughter had her turn, and the joy on her little face spoke volumes.

Oh, the sweetness of victory when it finally comes. My husband is thoroughly enjoying this fun stage of being Papaw, knowing full well that eventually papaws turn into grandfathers in a very short time. But for now, he treasures his popularity and admiration.
You reminded me how much my boys loved air hockey. We ended up getting one of those stand up tables as they got older. They actually played with it for a long time.
Your little ones are precious. Looks like you all were having fun. That's what it's all about.
What fun! Aren't grands just the best? Who would have thought that such joy awaited us at this stage of life?
I have a 'Pappa' who is thrilled with his role as well.
Sweet pictures and fun times. Your grandchildren are adorable, Judy.
How precious! Love these photos and you're right -- the determination and excitement on their faces is so evident. I distinctly remember my son at this age, getting so excited for the opportunity to do ANYTHING with his "Pampaw." Those are precious days, indeed!
what a fun time! You are blessed!
They looked like they were having a great time!! So sweet!!
I'm almost 50 and I wish I had a 'papaw' would buy me an air hockey game. =) I love, love to play air hockey. What fun with the grands!
What a fun post! We have always loved getting together with the grandchildren to play games. They love all of the attention and they especially love to win :>) On Easter we will be playing bunny toss and pass the bunny for the little ones. Then we will advance to WII games for the older ones. All of the adults play the kid games. We will be giving out prizes to the winners. Silly little things, nothing big. It really is a lot of fun and I can see it is in your family too.
Hello friend...what precious little 'treasures'! Isn't it amazing the joy these precious grandbabies bring us? We have 12 and I absolutely adore them! I am blessed to have two of them live just a few houses down from me so I get to see them everyday...it is music to my ears to hear little 4 yr old Sofie come running in the door and yelling 'Maw Maw Where are you?!!!" Oh what joy!!!! lol Thanks for coming by and I hope you and yours are having a great week!
Judy, these pictures are so sweet. Memories...what could be better?
Family time...awww, how refreshing!
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