Sunday, July 27, 2014

I am reminded of thoughts on "light" that come to my mind, when I look at this

picture that I captured last week;

Recently, I awoke in the very early morning hours, finding that the electricity was

off in our area, and the house was totally dark.  As I cautiously made my way to the kitchen

to retrieve my flashlight, each step was made slowly, feeling my way as I

walked.  What a huge difference the flashlight made, when I pushed the "on" switch.

Light flooded the kitchen, making me realize just how much I depend on

light in my daily life.  Each day the sun rises, and each day the earth is blessed with it's

life giving rays.  It  caused me to have a new appreciation for the "gift" of electricity.

Like everything, one only notices it's vital importance when it is gone.

It also led me to recall a verse I learned as a young girl;

"Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."  Psalm 119: l05

I am so thankful for "light" in it's many various forms, in my daily life.

1 comment:

Anneliese said...

So true! and what is amazing is how a light, no matter how small, can pierce the darkness. No wonder Jesus calls Himself the Light of the world.


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