Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The charm of these fresh little pansies, lies not only in the flowers but also in the containers one sees them in.  Yesterday I picked up a pack of pansies at my local grocery store.  I brought them home and planted them in one of my old glass pedestal bowls and set it in the center of my kitchen table.

Their pretty little faces lift my spirits, especially on this cold, dreary afternoon.  I like opening my cupboard and pantry doors and finding innovative containers to transplant storebought flowers in.  The character of the container often adds to the beauty of the colorful flowers.

Years ago, as a young girl, I clearly remember climbing the dimly lit attic steps in my grandma's house.  At the top of the stairs and off to the side, was a huge dark green cardboard box, filled with my mother's postcard collection.  I would sit there for a long time and look through all of her beautiful and sentimental collection.  Years later, I discovered the collection accidently got thrown away in my grandma's move from the old farmhouse, to the stone rancher.

Last summer, I spent an afternoon at one of our local antique malls.  With extra time to spare, I leisurely made my way through each and every booth.  I found a big box of postcards for sale.  I purchased a few of them for sentimental reasons.
I will share them with you.  Most of them were written in perfect penmanship, and all of them were dated.
This one was dated May 21, 1913 and sent to Nelsonville, NY

This one was addressed to a lady in Morrisville, PA who just happened to be a tax collector(or so the card says).
Date...March 1907

Addressed to friends in Haddonfield, NJ, once again in perfect penmanship
Date...April 18, 1907
I had to think as I read through each one again, how vastly different our world is today, than it was in 1907.  They certainly never could have imagined what life would be like in 2012. 
Makes me remember back to talks with my grandmas and the drastic changes they had seen in their lifetime.

Dated...June 18, 1907

The words on this one were so comforting in today's world, that I added some touches of glitter and placed it on my tiny plate rack.  It looks good sitting in my powder room.
Even though it was sent over 100 years ago, the message is still as relevent today as it was back then, and the flowers are just as pretty.

That's it from my corner of the world today.
Thank you so much for stopping by.


lindsey said...

I love old post cards and greetings cards, your collection will keep growing I am sure. The beautiful little pansies bring the Spring into your home, you always manage to find lovely containers to use for your plants and flowers and I can imagine how exciting it must be to enter your house and see new displays each time!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

It's been TOO long since I've been to visit. My days are different at present and I don't always get a leisurely chance to stop by and connect with my favourite blogging friends.

But it was lovely to be back. Have to admit pansies are one of my favourites when it comes to pretty little flowers that I enjoy.

Your collection was worth the visit!

Wishing you glimpses of heaven in unexpected places.........

Debbie said...

What beautiful postcards. Email just isn't very pretty, is it! One of those was something to keep and use or frame. I love looking though boxes in antique stores for pretty post cards. I like your 'planters' too! :D

Debbie Kay said...

Pansies and old post cards are 2 of my favorite things. I am so happy to have found your blog. Thank you for sharing some lovely ideas for containing those sweet little flowers and the post cards made me smile.....yes a lot has changed over the years but one thing remains true.....God is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Smiles & Sunshine,


Judy said...

I love your old postcards! Such treasures. I have a collection of postcards that were found in the attic of a home my grandfather once owned (left by the original owners). They are now all over 100 years old...and would likely mean a lot to the descendants of Lillian Arnold...who mailed the cards home on her world travels.

Pansies are the perfect bloom for March!

Happy@Home said...

Your pansy arrangement is so pretty and makes such a cheerful centerpiece.
For a minute I thought you might tell us that the box of postcards in the antique store were the one's that once belonged to your grandmother. What a shame that her collection has been lost, but you sure did find some beautiful ones. I have a few and agree that the handwriting back then was so nice. It seems a shame that nice penmanship is no longer so important.

a woman who is said...

This is the most charming post! I love your pansy arrangement. I am so gonna copy this idea. I have an old glass pedestal of my mother in laws.

The post cards too! Love the glitter addition. I use to spend hours looking at my Noni's collection of buttons. They too were lost along the way...I have hunted down my own now in antique shops and love having them on display.


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