I discovered a blog recently with the title "Loving Pretty Things" with the blog address of "lovingprettythings.blogspot.com/". I liked the title she chose and I liked all the pretty things that she shared. Sometimes, it is just refreshing and inspiring for me to see the pretty things and events that bloggers have to share.

Speaking of pretty...my youngest sister hosted this porch party for my daughter and her friends, as a birthday celebration. It was good for her to have this quiet, fun, and special evening with her friends, being served a meal. With six children and a husband living at her home, it is a rare occurence for her to be served and not have to do dishes.

As always, my sister gave attention to details, and served a delicious light dinner. The roses from Costco looked so nice in the simple, reused jars.

Three of her good friends and our daughter spent the evening together, laughing, sharing, and relaxing together on this rare, enjoyable evening on the porch. I think it was a kind gesture on my sister's part, to provide this privilege for a group of young, busy mothers. It fits the category of extraordinary touches for an ordinary day.
Hope you liked seeing her pink tablescape. My wish for you, is that you discover some "pretty things" as you carry out your normal responsibilities of everyday life, this weekend.
How lovely is that? From the beautifully set table on the porch to your daughter an her friends...it looks like a most perfect birthday celebration.
The pictures are great, but still do not do the atmosphere justice, as dusk set in and all the candles and strands of light lent their cozy little glows....along with Frank Sinatra playing softly in the backround. It WAS, indeed, a gift to all of us...women who live life hard! ;)
I'm going to have to go check this website out!
love your table....perfect...and I am using the muffin tin idea...thanks so much
Your wish has been fulfilled as I discovered many pretty things as I read your post today. Your sister must be a very special aunt to host such a lovely party for your daughter and her friends. The tables look so pretty with the flowers and the fresh fruit looks scrumptious.
Have a wonderful weekend, Judy.
That was a lovely idea for your sister to host an evening for your daughter and friends. The table looks beautiful and the porch setting so relaxing
What a wonderful idea. That is somethig I would love to do for my daughters and their friends. They are always busy serving and doing for others. That is a lovely table setting.
Your sister is as thoughtful as you are. The photo of the girls says it all. Don't you just love using canning jars for vases?
Very pretty tablescape! I love that little added touch of a welcome on the flower arrangement. Sooo pretty!!!
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