For many years, I have had a dream in my heart of owning and operating my own bakeshop. I even went as far as to plan the type of old building that I would want it to be in, and the layout of the interior. I pictured the quaint old glass cabinets outlined in tiny clear lights, the wonderful aroma when one would walk in the door, and of course lots of pots of hot coffee and tea. I would want everyone to feel like they were invited, and when it was time for them to leave, they would think about coming back again. It was so much fun to dream...

... sometimes the dream would involve a coffee shop and a bakery, and sometimes it would be either one or the other. But, lately the bakery that I dreamed of has come to me. It is right in my very own kitchen. My youngest daughter loves to bake and the choice of what to bake, is usually cupcakes. Since I have drilled her on the principal in life that practice makes perfect, I suppose that is what she works toward doing. Tonight was no exception.

... sometimes the dream would involve a coffee shop and a bakery, and sometimes it would be either one or the other. But, lately the bakery that I dreamed of has come to me. It is right in my very own kitchen. My youngest daughter loves to bake and the choice of what to bake, is usually cupcakes. Since I have drilled her on the principal in life that practice makes perfect, I suppose that is what she works toward doing. Tonight was no exception.
Here is what I discovered in my kitchen, when I came home this evening. Her and one of her dear friends decided to bake, decorate, and then give them away. It is the season of giving, right? It was a wonderful aroma that greeted me, and I must admit I think they are getting better with each attempt.

These two have been friends all through their school years, and remained friends after graduating. I love hearing them talk and laugh together. Somehow, to me good friends, laughter and cupcakes seem to go together.

Who knows how they will decide to give them away, but whoever receives them will be blessed. They will be blessed by the thought and the taste.
These two have been friends all through their school years, and remained friends after graduating. I love hearing them talk and laugh together. Somehow, to me good friends, laughter and cupcakes seem to go together.
Who knows how they will decide to give them away, but whoever receives them will be blessed. They will be blessed by the thought and the taste.
As for the bakery and the coffee shop dreams of mine...this is a better fit for me right now, having one experiment with their baking skills in my kitchen.
If you were here, she would give you a cupcake, I would give you a cup of coffee, and then we would sit and enjoy together. Wouldn't that be fun?
Judy, such lovely pictures and the cupcakes look soooo delicious. I love cupcakes!
A bakery shop does sound really divine!
Love your music.
Barb ♥
Oh I agree, cupcakes and friends...what a lovely combination!
Stay Cozy, Carrie
Yes that would be fun! Love the cute cupcakes.
I'll be right over. =) Delish!
Hmmm, maybe you and youngest daughter should go into that business together. I think that sounds like a plan. :)
Beautiful work! I can sooo see you and your daughter having your own cozy little bakery/coffee shop! That dreams doesn't seem so far-fetched. You would have many loyal customers!
Judy I would love to come and share a cup of coffee with you. I love those little houses! Christmas is just so much fun. You are so blessed to have your girls. Each one of them is so special in their own way. Those cupcakes look so delicious. What fun!
That looks most inviting...and I'd love to pop by for a sample...and the promised cup of coffee. Our dreams don't always materialize as we imagined...sometimes even better! What could be better than having an in-house bakery...with a resident baker?
I'm not at all surprised by your daughters giving heart! You, my friend are an amazing example....of what it means to give, to share, to bless.
What a BEAUTIFUL job they did!! :-)
I would LOVE to be there to enjoy a cupcake with you!!!!!!!
What beautiful girls and cupcakes!!! :) They are so good I could reach through and eat one! :)
These look amazing..we are cupcake fans in our family too! Whch recipe does your daughter use?
I can't wait to watch my girls grow up with their friends! Those cupcakes are just darling! Who knows... maybe your bakery dream will still come true some day!
Sounds like a WONDERFUL way to spend an afternoon, Judy! What a sweet thing to do! No doubt they enjoyed the time spent together and others will be blessed by their kindness. She's learned from one of the best encouragers I've ever had the privilege to know. ; )
Hi Judy, oooh I would love to sit and sip coffee with you and eat cupcakes! Your daughter and her friend are adorable! I love your dream of owning a little bakery, that would be so much fun! One day I hope your dream comes true! Bisous... Julie Marie
Yummy,yummy.How much fun for them.
Dear Judy,
So many wonderful Christmas things going on in your home and family!
I have to say things have been a bit on the blah side at the Cabin because we are getting ready to launch a new business and it has been both consuming and overwhelming. I am afraid its going to become more so after Christmas.
Anyway, its been a joy to be here!
Loved and enjoyed all!
Thank you for all your kind and encouraging comments that you leave at the cabin--I read every one of them--and yours are very special!
With love from the Cabin!
Claudia O.
In addition to "practice makes perfect", it seems your daughter has also learned from you the spirit of giving. How sweet of these 2 cute girls to bake all of those pretty and scrumptious looking cupcakes to share with others.
Your dream of owning a bakeshop sound wonderful, but I think your own kitchen sounds even more wonderful and probably less stressful than running a business;)
How sweet of those girls!!
Well, if anyone could make a bake shop thrive it would be you, girl! How is it that you don't weight 243 pounds?
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