Christmas is...
...the joy of receiving, like this unexpected box of homemade goodies from the kitchen of a dear friend who just happens to be my son-in-law's mother. Receiving anything from the kitchen of this great cook, is a real treat. With tags, ribbons and cords she makes everything look so attractive. Can you imagine how excited we will be to eat this loaf of her homemade banana bread!!!
She cans most of the treats in her very own Southern kitchen, and each Christmas I am the fortunate recipient. This year it is homemade applesause and southern chow chow. If you are someone who labors in the kitchen, canning food from your garden, I want you to know how much your friends would treasure a gift from you.
Homemade caramel is so good!!! In fact, it is so good that I am thinking about putting a lock on the tin lid. Wish I could share it with you.

I won this adorable, beautiful Winterberry snowman footed cake plate from the blog of a special lady. I think it was provided by a dining room company near her home. My name was drawn and I was the winner through the generosity of a beautiful lady named Kim at Please visit this blog and scroll down through each of her colorful, interesting, meaningful and gorgeous posts. I promise you that it will be a blessing to you. Another totally unexpected gift this Christmas.

This is one of those treasured homemade gifts that I received from the kitchen of an equally great cook. My husband and I consider this to be some of the best granola that we have tasted. My good friend makes this each Christmas and I can tell you that it is something we always look forward to. Maybe someday I will share her recipe with you. Doesn't it dress up the cellophane bag with the green Christmas ribbon?

Put a few drops of water on you kitchen counter. Lay a sheet of parchment paper on top of it. The water keeps it from sliding around while you are working with it. Lay sheet of dough out on parchment paper. Spread all over with softened butter. Sprinkle liberally with a combination of cinnamon sugar. If you don't have cinnamon sugar on hand, add 1/2 cup of sugar with 3/4 teaspoon of cinnamon. Stir and sprinkle on dough. Using the parchment paper, start rolling dough into a long roll. Slice with a serated knife, into 1 inch slices.

I have found this recipe is one that is most often requested after the gift is given. It looks like it might be complicated to make but it is not. I know that everyone is watching calories over the holidays, but this might bless someone's day today or any time between now and
Christmas, like the homemade gifts I received, have blessed mine. I am so grateful for these unexpected blessings.
This is one of those treasured homemade gifts that I received from the kitchen of an equally great cook. My husband and I consider this to be some of the best granola that we have tasted. My good friend makes this each Christmas and I can tell you that it is something we always look forward to. Maybe someday I will share her recipe with you. Doesn't it dress up the cellophane bag with the green Christmas ribbon?
And Christmas is the joy of giving...Just in case you are looking for a gift from your kitchen, this is one fast, delicious creation that I give often from my kitchen. Pillsbury has just made this recipe easier with by coming up with this Crescent seamless dough sheet. Thank you Pillsbury.
Put a few drops of water on you kitchen counter. Lay a sheet of parchment paper on top of it. The water keeps it from sliding around while you are working with it. Lay sheet of dough out on parchment paper. Spread all over with softened butter. Sprinkle liberally with a combination of cinnamon sugar. If you don't have cinnamon sugar on hand, add 1/2 cup of sugar with 3/4 teaspoon of cinnamon. Stir and sprinkle on dough. Using the parchment paper, start rolling dough into a long roll. Slice with a serated knife, into 1 inch slices.
Put the slices into a small sprayed muffin tin. Bake in a preheated oven, at 350 degrees, for 18 minutes or until slightly firm to touch. Remove from oven. Cool for ten minutes, remove from pan unto serving plate. In separate bowl combine 3/4 cup of powdered sugar with 1 teaspoon of orange juice(or as needed to make a glaze consistency). Drizzle over the tea rolls. Place on a pretty glass or paper dish and give as a gift.
I have found this recipe is one that is most often requested after the gift is given. It looks like it might be complicated to make but it is not. I know that everyone is watching calories over the holidays, but this might bless someone's day today or any time between now and
Christmas, like the homemade gifts I received, have blessed mine. I am so grateful for these unexpected blessings.
Yesterday, I learned that a fellow blogger's special 10 year old son lost his short battle with brain cancer. Oh, how my hearts aches for this beautiful lady, her husband and their teenage children. I never met this lady, but my many visits to her blog helped me to know at the beginning, how her children were a huge part of her life. Andrew's bout with brain cancer went so quickly. As she shared her heart and her tears through this journey, she gathered many thoughts and tears from all of us. Please remember this blogger and her dear family as they face the holidays with this great loss in their lives.
Giving and so many different ways, whether time, food, prayers, tears, hugs, or letters, is truly what this Christmas season is all about.
So many wonderful Christmas gifts! I always love the homemade treats! Next year I hope to make some more.
I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your blogger friend's son - it is so heartbreaking to hear about the loss of a child. God bless their family this Christmas.
The older I get the more I like home made gifts. And the harder it is to know that at any moment of joy there is someone else in great sorrow and/or pain. Especially this year in our family.
The cinnamon rolls look yummy! What a quick and easy recipe, too! Thanks for sharing. And so sad to hear about the lady who lost her son. I just can't imagine! God bless them.
Judy, as always you have the most wonderful post and you are always thinking of others. Those cinnamon rolls are something I will absolutely try.
Thank you also for sending people to Melanie and her family. My heart is just broken for them.
What beautiful and thoughtful homemade gifts you have received.
I can't tell you how thrilled I was to see the seamless crescent roll dough. Our family's favorite appetizer requires spreading the dough into a cookie sheet to form a crust. I won't miss having to pinch those perforations together this year.
I'm glad you received the snowman plate. I am touched by your kind comments. Thank you, dear Judy.
I was so sorry to read about Melanie's son. My prayers are with her and her family. I can't even imagine what they are going through.
I love the homemade gifts too and love carmel corn. So if I ever come to would definitely have to put a lock on it. :) Your cinnamon rolls look yummy and so easy!!
M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S!!!
Dearest friend, I'm always BLESSED in my visits with you. Thank you for sharing with us all year Judy. You've shared your heart and your home with us and your precious family.
There are times when I almost feel like I'm family too :) I pray a beautiful CHRISTmas and New Year for your family and I'm sure it will be just that and more.
Much love and appreciation to you dear friend. Merry CHRISTmas.
Thanks for sharing your homemade rolls with us...and also the beautiful gifts you have been 'unwrapping' this Christmas. Tis the season to share a bit of ourselves with others!
My heart goes out to the mom who lost her young son.
Oh, those cinnamon rolls look so yummy!
You'd be proud of me: I've got some sassy-classy feasting planned for my Christmas guests. I'm even going to make a Banana Trifle to accompany my Pumpkin Pie.
I'll post some pictures, but only if I want a page in your soon-to-be-released book.
yum. those are some of my favorite treats you make! :-) I do have a question. Have you ever substituted something else other than orange juice? I don;t have any on hand at the moment. Just curious. Love you!
I was so very sorry to hear about your blogger friends son. Please know that my prayer are with their family. I couldn't imagine losing a child. It's good that you mentioned it here so that each of us who read your blog can pause and think of them.
Homemade treats are always extra special because they come from the heart. I always enjoy these types of gifts too. Thank you for another wonderful recipe ♥
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