A few months ago, I saw a great idea in my "Somerset Life" magazine. It was a new use for the ceramic tiles in the local home improvement store. Since my memory, at times seems to be getting worse and sticky notes do not look all that good on my kitchen cupboards, it struck me as a perfect idea to go this route. The article did stress the need to use only the high gloss tiles. My daughter and I made a trip to the local Home Depot to purchase the 3 tiles that I needed. My total bill was $4.45, which helped me realize that this idea would be a good ones to use for gifts for friends, also. Especially, those who might be struggling with their memories , too. I brought them home, got out my trusty glue gun, a few embellishments, and I then I decorated them however I wanted to. The stands that I put them on, I had purchased previously at the dollar store and the craft store.
Since my kitchen seems to be the place that I spend alot of time and the gathering space for family and friends, I decided to place my decorated tile on the counter at the one side of my kitchen. The other two will be used for gifts in the future.
A dry erase

marker works well to write on this tile. A wet paper towel works well to wipe it clean. Also, I sometimes use my spray bottle with water and vinegar to clean it. Either way, it wipes off easily. I use it for so many different messages, notes to me, reminders to my family and special verses that help get me through my days.
If you ever want to replace your sticky notes on the cupboards, or if you need a gift for a friend, this might be an idea you could try. It would even be fun, to write a message to your friend and put it outside of her back door. What a blessing it would be, to know someone is thinking of you, in such an unique way. Judy

There are so many different ways to decorate these tiles. Whatever, your decorating style, and whatever your color scheme, the choices are endless. My kitchen happens to be pink, white and green, so thus my choice of embellishments.
What if your kitchen is blue, pink, yellow and white and you don't have a crafty bone in your body and you REALLY want one of those....then what?? Just wondering... :)
This entry was PERFECT!!! The pictures are great and I think those are such cool things!!! Great job!!!
I'd like to say that Aunt Lou is so pitiful at being subtle!!! :)
Love you,
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