Wednesday, May 9, 2012

We work on this book so often.  We have one of numbers and one with letters.
All that is needed is a dry erase maker and a damp paper towel.
I bought the books at KMart a few years ago, and they seem to learn quickly with them.
Today we were working on the number 9.


And then we went on to the activity books and coloring, at different stages of learning.
Even the youngest one wanted to join in the activities, however her attention span is limited:)  A good five minutes and she is on to something else.
Since some of them will be going off to school after the summer, we have been talking alot about school.  They asked me some questions about when I went to school?  It feels like another life time for me.  Can you relate?  I did take them up in the attic to the old cedar chest, and guess what we found?   My elementary school report cards.  I have not seen them for hundreds:) of years.  In fact, I did not know that my mother had saved them for me.

This was the picture from the front door of my elementary school, and it was on the cover of our report cards.  Of course, we always wore dresses and lacy socks to school each day.   It wasn't until my middle school years, that rule changed.

This side of my report card, I remember so clearly.  My mom and dad would sit me down and tell me that this side was the most important.    The grades were crucial too, but not as important as the citizenship side.
I have not seen report cards since my girls went to school, but I certainly don't believe they have the citizenship side anymore.  Do you think the last item is why my mother was constantly telling me to stand tall, walk tall, and don't slump my shoulders?  Could it be?

This was my fourth grade report card.  I always struggled in math and art.  What does that say about me?   Oh, how I smiled as I showed these cards to my grandchildren, and suddenly felt old.

And then there was always the reports written on the back, personalizing it all, in the teacher's handwriting.  I remember feeling worried about what was written on the back.
I saw today, that my third grade teacher wrote that I had trouble expressing myself in written work.  Isn't that something?  I still have trouble expressing myself when I write.   That is why I often wonder, why I have a blog?
I am amazed that way back in third grade my difficulty started.

My mother so kindly signed each report card, and I dutifully took it back in the next day.
What fun to go back to my school days for a brief time today.

I guess as long as the grandchildren are this young, I will be able to keep teaching them, although I am wise enough to know, that in a short amount of time, the teacher will be the one that knows more than me.  I am already praying for the teachers that they will have.

Thanks so much for walking down memory lane with me.  Do you still have your elementary report cards?  Did you have a citizenship side to your report card?


Kris said...

I used to have the same report cards when I was little. I don't know where they are anymore. My Mom probably tossed them long ago. I still have all of children's cards.
Take care!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Hi Judy... Long time no see... and I've been missing you! Seems the days fly by with needful things to attend to, and I'm not getting to my blogging as much as I'd like.

However..... it was lovely to stop in and catch up a little of what's going on in your life these days.

Debbie said...

I have all of my kids report cards, but none of mine....we did have citizenship marks, and so did all of my kids. I can remember saying the very same thing to my kids...."this is the most important side. How hard you are trying, and how you behave." We never had the standing tall one though, haha. You would never know you have trouble writing, I think you express yourself very well. Always love the walk down memory lane!

Love Being A Nonny said...

JUST threw mine away last week! I was cleaning out my attic and was in one of THOSE moods. My report cards looked just like yours though....citizenship and all!

corners of my life said...

For the dry erase books try using a used dryer sheet instead of a damp paper towel. Works great and smells nice too. said...

I have some of mine too, and it is interesting to see the teachers comments, and where we excelled, or didn't. :) I love the way you write, it always makes me feel cozy and at home. :)

Yes, the little ones love to see those grades, and also to hear the stories of what their own mom and dad did, both right and maybe even more, the wrong stuff!

Thanks for the visit and the memories.


lindsey said...

Your grandchildren must certainly love coming over to your house! I dont ever remember having 'citizenship' on our reports here in the UK. I like the bit about showing good sleep and rest habits...some of the boys I work with at school could do with that on their reports :)

Kathleen said...

My mother saved all my report cards, which often bring a smile to my face even these many years hence. I had subjects that baffled me, too: math & history. I never did develop a fondness for math, but in my adult years I have grown quite fond of history.

"Deportment" was a biggie at our house. Anything short of "stellar" was deserving of a scowl.


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