Sunday, November 6, 2011

You stopped by this evening and I am happy you did.   You know how I feel about the season of Fall.  You know how I feel about photography and capturing the beauty around me. 
If you live in my part of the world, you know that the weather this weekend was perfect!
Hence, the pictures that you are about to see, were captured by me this weekend, all within miles of where I live.  Oh, how I wish you could have seen the actual scenery, instead of viewing these pictures.


"Something deep within all of us yearns for God's beauty, and we can find it no matter where we are."  ~Sue Monk Kidd

I agree with this quote, fully aware that in today's world, with negative headlines confronting us from every direction, my heart does yearn for moments when I see God's beauty here on earth. 


Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

I AM glad I popped by on this Sunday evening..... enjoyed catching those glimpses of beauty through your eyes. Isn't that moon amazing these evenings!

Judy said...

I like that quote by Sue Monk Kidd. So true! Beautiful photos.

Crickit said...

Beautiful pictures. God's beautiful master piece's all around us! Thx for sharing!

debi said...

I saw it this morning as I took my walk....His beauty is everywhere.
I've been searching for a walking I discovered I've always had one! I talked to Him the entire walk...was a great start to my morning! God is good ~
Loved the photos :-)

Hugs! said...

You live in a beautiful place. The photos were wonderful. Here too, last weekend was picture perfect!

Which brings me to the next thought... as I unwrapped the basket and saw the care and detail of each of your beautiful cards, I got a blessing all over again today. Truly God has given you a very special gift of grace and artistic expression. The thing that stuck out to me the most is that your cards reflect you so perfectly. The blessing will continue as I select just the right one for each card to be sent to.

Thank you Judy... YOU are a gift!


Kathleen said...

You've got quite an eye! You've also got some amazing photo ops. I especially loved the pond pic.

lindsey said...

I love to read your posts always cause me to reflect on God's goodness, not just in your photo's but also in your words. This is a gift and I am so encouraged at how you use this gift for God's glory. Thank you!

corners of my life said...

Beautiful and calming.
God'g gift indeed.


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