She is my husband's mother and my mother-in-law. She is in her eighties. She is a competent, caring lady and she loves to go on drives. This Sunday evening was another beautiful evening, after heavy rains this afternoon. She was thrilled when we offered to take her on another scenic drive through countryside where she spent her eighty some years.
Soon after we started out, she was excited to tell us that the school up ahead was the one her mother attended as a little girl. She told us the school was quite a distance from where she(her mother) and her family lived. She had to walk through fields to attend this small one room school house. I found this fact so interesting. I thought to myself, "that in an ever changing world, how special that some things stay the same, as in this one room school house out in the country. She proceeded to share more fun memories as we drove along. Her memory totally amazed me.
The sky created a perfect backdrop for the many farms we passed by.
Throughout the evening, clouds were the dominant feature. Moments of sun and then the sky would darken with clouds.
A foal and it's mother grazing by the road.
This water scene seemed so calm and peaceful as we drove beside it.
The work horses gathered for their evening meal.

The sun was beginning to set, casting a soft glow on the farms we passed by.

The work week will soon be here and life on these farms will go into full swing. Come to think about it, I suppose life on the farms does not provide many breaks like our work weeks do.

But for now, the brilliant sunset played center stage, and we said goodnight to this dear lady.
The sun was beginning to set, casting a soft glow on the farms we passed by.
The work week will soon be here and life on these farms will go into full swing. Come to think about it, I suppose life on the farms does not provide many breaks like our work weeks do.
But for now, the brilliant sunset played center stage, and we said goodnight to this dear lady.
"The its full glory,
Either at rising or setting-this
And many other like blessings
we enjoy daily;
And for the most of them,
Because they are so common,
Most men forget to
pay their praises.
But let not us."
~Izaak Walton
What beautiful scenery. You certainly live in a lovely place. I know your "other mother" appreciates your thoughtfulness.
You are lucky to have these times with your husband and Mother-in-Law. Older people have such great stories of the times they grew up!
Continue to enjoy!
She sounds like a beautiful woman, and this was such beautiful countryside and sky! It is so nice you are able to soend quality time with your mother-in-law, Judy!
This is precious and I love the scenery. The one thing we don't usually lose in our old age is our long memory and it's so wonderful to hear the stories from those who are aging and have trouble remembering. What a special time for you and your MIL.
Enjoyed your smile today!!
Beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing them.
What beautiful countyrside you live in. Wouldn't it be something special if you could record your MIL when she was telling tales of her childhood and thereby keep all those memories for posterity?
Do you suppose we will have someone as thoughtful as you to take us on scenic outings when we are in our 80's?
I'm so glad that you can bring happiness to her in this way. What a special gift! I'm sure she has many interesting stories to tell for her many years. You saw some beautiful scenes; thanks for sharing. We are having similar weather:)
What beautiful photo's my friend!!
I love the beauty around you that you were able to capture. God's truly something amazing to behold.
Thanks for taking me on this journey with you...and I LOVE reading about your Mother-in-law..and her one room school! Amazing.
Beautiful scenes...all of them. How nice to enjoy the scenery with your mother-in-law...and for her to share her memories with you.
What a beautiful and peaceful post you have written, Judy. This drive sounds like such a special time shared with your husband and mother-in-law and how nice to have her share her special memories with you. Your photos are all lovely.
Gorgeous pictures, compliments to the photographer! Those photos remind me of an area full of farmland that surrounds a quaint little church. :) She sounds like a really cool lady. Thanks for sharing!
What a special and memorable time this must have been, for both you and your husband AND for her. Beautiful and peaceful photos. What a great way to spend several hours on a Sunday.
What a nice drive you took and how wonderful that you invited your mother-in-law.She is blessed. I too like to hear all of stories people tell of what it was like when they were growing up. I love the music on your blog!
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