Friday, June 25, 2010

Are there special people in your life that just seem to make life happier for you?

People who are always there for you, caring for you, spending time with you...

...laughing with you, playing games with you, joining you at fun events?

Then why not pick up a dry eraser marker, find a white plate(or any other colored plate), and write a message to them to let them know. It works. A friend gave me this idea, and she is quite a creative person. In fact, if you want to visit her beautiful blog, go

I tried this and it works so well. If you are like me, sometimes it is easier to express one's thoughts by writing than through verbal communication.

Write messages to those you love in your family. Set the plate at a prominent place in your home, or give the plate as a hostess gift to a friend. It will serve as a constant reminder of how you care for them, or any message you want to share with them. Change the message by wiping it off with a dry towel. Simple as that.

Let people know that you think they are special. Don't take for granted that they already know. Use any reminders that you choose, but let them know.

... this little one's aunt lets her know often, that she is wonderful.

Maybe you like this message... "Laughter makes love better".

These three think so.

Or maybe you could write..."Happiness is being with you."

That would work here too. Who is in your life today, that brings you happiness? Do they know?
Have you relayed it to them recently?

Another weekend is here...hope it is a good one for you.


lindsey said...

What a great idea! Your grandchildren are! lovely and your photos capture them to well, thank you for sharing them

Miss Debbie said...

Neat idea! And the sweetest are blessed!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Such lovely ideas you have. And those babies are certainly adorable. I can only imagine how much joy they bring to you!

Judy said...

Fabulous idea...yet again. I will use it...and pass it along. Thanks for sharing!

Sweet pic's...of those sweet munchkins!

Susan said...

What a beautiful family you have! I am inspired by your plate of encouragement and good wishes. I think I may just do the same! Thank you for a wonderful idea!

Stop by sometime. I'm having a little giveaway on my blog.


Melinda said...

Nifty idea--will be doing this one soon!

Your pics are soooo cute.

Have a wonderful weekend.


Rach said...

Great idea! Great reminder too, to remember to give thanks to those special to you.

a woman who is said...

That is another great idea! Your grands are so adorable. They do make one especially happy don't they :)

corners of my life said...

What a fun idea. Here is a hint to go along with it - the best eraser for dry erase markers is a used dryer sheet. Works like a charm . . .

Anonymous said...

That is a wonderful idea Judy, So gracious of you to share that. Those precious children are what keep us going sometimes. My are all grown up now and I sure miss it. Thanks for stopping by for a visit. blessings

Kathleen said...

Can we tell them enough how precious they are? I doubt it. What a clever way to inscribe for all time the thoughts of one's heart.

I can see from everything you share that your grandmother's heart runs deep. Those little ones are beneficiary, and I just can't help but think what a wonderful legacy you're leaving them. I pray I do likewise.

Enjoy the weekend and all it holds,
Kathleen said...

I always love your family pictures, they are all so adorable! What a good idea... to leave a lasting message. You always have the sweetest ideas and your expression of each idea is so very special!

Stacey said...

That is a very neat idea. I've seen something similar through Southern Living parties but it was very expensive. You are smart to choose a simple white plate.

Your grandkids are so adorable. They are very lucky to have you.

Christine said...

This is better then the chalk board paint. That was fun but this is better and whole lot easier.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

A wonderful idea! I shall visit your friend's blog too.

I enjoyed seeing your lovely family photos.

Anonymous said...

I just love this Judy. I don't think we tell our families enough that we love them. What a great idea. You always come up with wonderful ones.


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