It is a simple white door in my kitchen. It leads to the lower level of our home. It was fine just the way it was, but on New Year's Day it got a new look thanks to this company; and the skillful application of my daughter. One of our good friends works for the company.

You can tell that this is not the first time she did this. She has some beautifully done wording on the walls of her home.

After making sure the paper and wording was centered, she used the plastic applicator to rub the wording onto the wall.

You can tell that this is not the first time she did this. She has some beautifully done wording on the walls of her home.
After making sure the paper and wording was centered, she used the plastic applicator to rub the wording onto the wall.
After she completed that step she slowly removed the paper revealing beautifully done lettering. What a perfect reminder for me to have in my kitchen. Kind words can rarely get one in trouble...unkind words can rarely keep one out of trouble. I need this in my daily life. I was so happy with the finished look, and appreciated that she took the time to do it for me.

A few simple touches to dress up a simple door. Maybe you would like to see the what is available from the above mentioned website. I am told that it is easily removed with a hair dryer.
A few simple touches to dress up a simple door. Maybe you would like to see the what is available from the above mentioned website. I am told that it is easily removed with a hair dryer.
I've been wanting to do that above our doors for the longest time, but never got around to making stencils. Thanks for the tip where to get what I need! Your door way now looks wonderful.
Thank you for sharing all you creative ideas with us.
I too, will be enlightened by continually reading your blog!
Looking forward to reading more from you this year!
This is beautiful, I have never seen it before and it adds a lovely touch to your room. And how amazing that you are going to an Anthropologie store too !!!!! I know you will have a great time....which town is it in? Have fun!
That is beautiful! thanks for sharing.
Very nice, and easy! What a difference a "little something" can make!
Oh I love it! Great sentiment and it looks just perfect there.
How nice is that...I love it! You hardly need the reminder to use kind words...I know I will always find them when I visit with you.
I'm off to check out that web site...and see if they sell to Canada.
Love it! Love it! And the perfect spot too! Thanks for your kind words on my blog...good luck with the Miso!
That looks just perfect above your door. I don't think that you need a reminder on saying kind words. I can't imagine you ever saying anything but kind words.
I am amazed at all that your daughter accomplishes with new babies along with her other little ones. I visited her blog today and thoroughly enjoyed my visit. You must be very proud of her.
absolutely love it!!!
Your new look is great!
Uppercase Living can be very naughty to have a round. I have several of their things just not up yet.
Have a great evening.
That is really pretty Judy! I also love how you put that small wreath on your door. What a nice touch. Your cabinets are beautiful too ♥
I love how that looks, Judy..I've looked through Uppercase Living's catalog before, but never purchased. I just might have to take a peek again for Emma's room! Thanks for the idea!
It is beautiful and charming. I have often thought I would try one of these stencils. I just need to do it! How wonderful that your daughter helped. I can't help mention that this daughter really looks so much like you. You are both such beauties.
I love your kind words above your door. I look at those everytime i see them and wonder which door would work best. It is wonderful in bedrooms and nurseries too. ..Oh now I'm itchy to put up the beautiful script.
Your peek at your kitchen is beautiful.
It looks beautiful! I;m going to hop over and see what else this company has. I love this, and the wreath just makes it perfect!
How wonderful. It's striking & clever, and a perfect means of affirming a virtue so valuable as kindness ... and words!
I'm about to paint a few walls in my living room/hallway. I'm definitely going to consider where I might add such a precious touch.
This surely speaks to my heart. Gorgeous!
How beautiful! And what a wonderful phrase to choose. My sister has one of these phrases in her home and I was just admiring it over the weekend. I'm hoping to try one of these of my own soon. This is just another nudge to do that. (The color of your kitchen walls is gorgeous!)
that is sooo neat! What a fun thing to put up for a new years resolution! how fun!
Absolutely lovely! And such a wonderful sentiment!!!
P.S. Judy - I will email you about my friend who's moved to lancaster. That would be so lovely if you could connect w/ her as she doesn't know anyone. I feel like I already know you and that you 2 kind people would get along great! :-)
I just love those kind of sayings in a room. It just really personalizes a room and gives a lot of room for thought.
I do however love you paint color and was wondering if you mind sharing what it was.....i will check back on the comments to see if you left the name and number.
Thank you for your lovely blog.
Do you know if we can order any of these online? I live in Michigan and have never heard of these kinds of home parties before...thanks for any info you can give me.
Oh, my goodness! Judy! Thank you for being so sweet and doing a little advertising for me! You're the sweetest! I really like the finished product! EXCELLENT! Lovely! You're so thoughtful and kind! Love you!
It looks very nice there above your door. Great job!
Love it! My DIL has done some *word art* and it is so personal and pretty!
Does your daughter ever sleep???
What a nice gift to you and it looks great! Truly a great reminder for us all. Love the little peak at your kitchen!
Thank you so very much for all of your kind and encouraging comments regarding my simple new look. In answer to your questions;
~the paint is a Benjamin Moore paint. It is color # 473, "Weekend getaway". It is a calming color and I find myself still enjoying it after 8 years of having it on the walls of our kitchen.
~if you are interested in seeing or ordering any of this wall art, you can click on the blog address given on my post.
I appreciate every visit you all make to my blog. Thank you!
Hello Judy!
Those are wise words and look so attractive over your door!
Sorry it has been awhile since my last visit ...catching up today with many. I have been busy putting away the Christmas decorations and keepig some promises to myself to de-clutter around my house for the new year. When new things come in (holiday gifts) old things have to go out to make room! :-)
I did one of these in my den! I love it. I have been meaning to post on it. Thanks for the reminder...I will do it soon. Mine says *All because two people fell in love*. Yours looks great!!
Oh, that looks terrific!
Do they have one that says "I'm not cooking today!"? Love the idea and your's looks great.
WOW! Love that!
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