Tuesday, September 11, 2012

 If you need a small gift this time of the year, you might wish to try this.
Quite simple.
Just mix a bag of candy corn and a bag of salted peanuts. Sweet and salty.  Stir well, and store in covered container.

At our local grocery store, I found these large, ceramic soup mugs with a plastic lid.  I purchased one and filled it with the candy/peanut mixture, and added a Fall ribbon and some faux leaves.  Simple, inexpensive, delicious gift. 

The next four pictures are from Google.  I appreciate that my youngest daughter sent them to me, because she knows how much I like this season.

  I hope you enjoy them too, and that they add beauty to your day.

Thanks for stopping by.


Kathleen said...

Yep, you're a Fall Girl, that's for sure! Me too :)

Here in Washington State the air has begun to have that earthy crispness synonymous with Fall. The trees are just now beginning to turn color, and the valley near us is busy harvesting the corn, rhubarb & green beans. Soon the pumpkin crop will be ready.

I can't wait for the morning mists ...

My mother would LOVE you. Her favorite snack was candy corn. Adding peanuts sounds yummy!

lindsey said...

Beautiful photo's Judy, thanks for sharing. I love those soup mugs, really handy!

corners of my life said...

I wonder if they have candy corn here in Thailand??

Stacey said...

Candy corn and peanuts is one of my favorite treats this time of year. That would be a perfect little treat to take to some of my neighbors. :)

Debbie said...

Good morning. The candy corn and peanuts sounds soo good. I am going to mix that up for myself...The pictures are gorgeous...what a sweet daughter. Enjoy your day!

Christine said...

You are my "go to" for special gifts. This is a cute idea.

The pictures took my breath away1

http://bitsandpieces-sonja.blogspot.com/ said...

I WANT some of that candy & peanut snack! I especially want it because I'm in the middle of losing weight because I ATE too much of that kind of snack!! :(

Your pictures of fall and the glory of the colors are a treat to these hot humid Texas eyes. :) It has begun to cool off here too though, and it's been a long hot summer.

As always, coming here is a treat.

I will NOT go and buy candy corn and peanuts today... maybe another time, but I sure liked looking at yours!

Just a little something from Judy said...

I am in your same shoes. I do not eat corn candy and peanuts either, but I am surrounded by some people who do, and can afford to. I hope that I did not add too much temptation to your day. Thanks for the smile today though.

Happy@Home said...

You sure do know how to add a special touch to the candy corn and peanut combination. The recipient of this gift will be reminded of your kindness while eating the snack mix and then every time they have a cup of soup. You are so clever, my friend.
The fall pictures are so beautiful. I can hardly wait for that autumn color to show up on our trees. I am beginning to see early signs on the dogwood trees.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Lovely glimpses of autumn glory. Wonderful time of year. We have signs but nothing major yet, except the weather is cool and blustery.

Good days for sweaters... I have a big cotton sweater all over kitty cats. How cozy is that!

Wishing you a beautiful evening....

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Sweet little treat and so pretty in the cup with seasonal embellishments :)

And, gorgeous photos too. Love this time of year!

Judy said...

Great gifty idea once again! Love your fall photos.

Kelli said...

What beautiful photos. I wish it would start feeling like fall here.
I love your easy fall gift idea.
Have a wonderful Thursday!

Anneliese said...

I sure like your little gift idea!
(and the google photos are amazing. I love this season too!)


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