It is a little runt of a tree that is located outside our front door. Since I don't use the front door entrance very often, I only catch glimpses of the tree infrequently. The last few months I have looked out the front window and thought to myself, "what a scraggly, ugly tree it was". I determined to have it removed this Spring. It never grew, it's branches seemed stunted from growth, and it was at a bad location. Quite honestly, it was an eye sore for me. Last evening, I was working on my porch, and these pretty little flowers caught my eye, on the very tree I had discarded in my mind.

I went and got my camera and took these pictures. I thought of all the times I looked out and saw only dark, crooked limbs, and stunted growth of the little tree. I thought of all the annoying thoughts I had of why it was planted where it was. Oh, it is still all those things to me, but the difference now, was that I saw green growth, and an abundance of tiny white, delicately made, fragrant flowers, and seemingly the transformation had taken place overnight. Beauty had taken over the ugliness. I studied each of the tiny flowers and the intricate design of the blossoms.
What a good lesson for me. Sometimes, we see only the ugliness, or uselessness of what our eyes take in. Sometimes the most annoying situations can change over time and we find ourselves seeing the beauty and the intricate qualities of someone. We don't realize what usefulness lies within that very object or person. Sometimes those changes take place over years and sometimes seemingly overnight, like this flowering tree.
Just a very little something from me today.
Lovely post.
This was a really good observation and analogy here, and I thank you for sharing it. The flower is really too btw! Hope you have a wonderful day...HUGS
Oh So True!
Truly "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Thank you for beholding & sharing not only the beautiful photos, but a modern day parable as well.
It is always good to be reminded not to 'judge a book by its cover' and how God can take anyone who feels they have nothing to offer and bring about something wonderful. Thank you!
I like your analogy today. Yes, God can take the unlovely and make it beautiful...and He can also use the most humble of gifts that are offered to Him.
This is a very special post, Judy. The flowers on the little tree are beautiful. And your words are even more lovely!
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