Saturday, January 7, 2017

 A snowy Saturday morning always makes me happy.

Last week, my daughter and I made a new recipe for hot chocolate mix, and without a
doubt, it will be our favorite for a long time.  It has an ingredient in it, that I've
never used before, let alone in hot chocolate.  It is Nielsen-Massey Pure Vanilla
Powder.  It ups the taste level in our book!  You might want to try it.
You can find the recipe here....
I know you will find other delicious looking recipes from Natalie there...warning:)

My husband gives it a good rating too.  He likes his special mega cup when he drinks
hot chocolate.

Since it makes a large portion, I used the mix for a gift I needed.  I filled this glass
canister, purchased a scoop and stuck it inside.  Fortunately, I found bags of these
tiny marshmallows that I am giving with the hot chocolate.  If you don't want to give
such a big portion, you could fill a quart size cellophane bag and place it in a mug.
Perfect winter gift, especially on a cold, snowy weekend.

Outside our back door is a hydrangea bush, filled with dried blooms, and
covered with snow.  Somehow, even in that form, it is a pretty sight.  But,
not as pretty as the picture that my friend sent me early this morning.

Apparently, she dried her hydrangeas the correct way.  Look how good they look in
the white pitcher, sitting by her window.  There is just something about snow and
hydrangeas that appeals to me. 

Speaking of things that I really like, I will randomly mention this little gem.  It is near the
top of my list of favorite things, and I have been using it for so many years.  My grandma
introduced me to it.  It is "Good Samaritan" ointment, and as you can see, it has been
around since 1906.  It has helped me out of small pains in my life, so often.  It has
helped me remove splinters from my family's limbs.  This morning, I had a painful,
small oven burn on my arm, and I placed the ointment liberally over it.  Within a
bit of time the pain had almost subsided. 

On the side of the container it says, "Dependable since Grandma was a girl".  I
totally understand why it says that.  I can't really tell you where you can get it though.
I had my for a long time.  Since you only need to use a small bit at a time, it lasts
for many years.  I know that they still make it though, because I see it at some of
our small country stores.  Have any of you used this ointment, and if so, how?  I
would love to hear of other uses.  My second favorite ointment in this same category,
is A&D Ointment.  Just in case you wanted to know.  I am not being paid to do
this advertisement. 

How is that for a Saturday chocolate recipe and a reliable pain reliever.

Hope your weekend is a good one!


Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

Will have to try the hot chocolate recipe. My hubby drinks it every morning. And, A&D is my "go to" ointment for sure! Happy weekend

lindsey said...

Ive been so slack at reading blogs recently, life is hectic and one thing leads to another and I just forget to catch up. Then I do and Im so glad I did, your blog is always an inspiration to me. That hot chocolate looks and sounds amazing. Your snowy scenes look fabulous, we are told to expect snow later this week..we will wait and see. At the end of the month hubby and I are off to South Africa to visit our daughter and family, no snow there! Those hydrangeas are pretty, my daughter has a big garden FULL of them, all different colours. Apparently the previous owner who was in her 90's had a passion for them and grew them for years. I like to steal a few stems in the summer and take them to our cottage to dry and hang up. My grandson took HUGE bunches to his teachers at the end of last summer term, they were delighted!

Christine said...

This is the first time I've heard of Good Samaritan.
The motto is one of the best I've every heard, "Dependable since Grandma was a girl".

Jaybird said...

Good Samaritan Ointment is GREAT for fever blisters and "winter" cracks in fingers and cuticles. A tiny amount is a wonderful chap-stick too!!
The hot chocolate looks wonderful, but alas...we have to have sugar free :^(.
Blessings to you,

Anneliese said...

You make me smile... and that is good!
I've developed a special liking to hot chocolate with tiny marshmallows this winter.

Judy G said...

I grew up with Good Samaritan Ointment!! It is , by far, THE best salve to pull out a splinter and take the pain away. It was lovingly put on every little hurt, along with Methialate and Mercurichrome, stored in brown glass bottles. But they required everyone in the house to come and blow until it dried!!!!!!!!!!!If you come across a tin in one of your Country Store runs, would you pleas pick one up for me. I have been out of it for years and haven't seen it around. I did find something called Icthamal that will pull out splinters and relieve pain, but it is a black, tarry grease that smells like an oil tanker. Thanks for the trip down Memory Lane.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

I too like the look of the snow on the hydrangea flower. We haven't had much snow this year and I admit, I miss it. The Good Samaritan Ointment is new to me. The hot chocolate is just perfect this time of year and such a perfect gift to share.

Judy said...

How did I miss this post? It is hot chocolate weather here today! I would love a mug. This is the first I have heard of Good Samaritan ointment. I will have to see if it is available in Canada.


Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

That hot chocolate with all those marshmallows looks so inviting. Sounds delicious.


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