Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Blogging is on the back burner for me right now.  On Saturday, we drove to our daughter
and son-in-law's home, to babysit for the afternoon.  We were both so thankful for the
privilege of spending a few more minutes with our newest grandchild.  The drive down
to their home, was an exceptionally beautiful one, and I could not help but share this
picture that I took, with you.  Early morning drives, in the fall of the year, are one of
my very favorite things.

Upon our arrival, we quickly discovered how our two grandchildren have taken
to their new little brother.  So tenderly and carefully, our granddaughter sat by his side.
She will probably take on the role of "mother" for her two brothers, as I did in my early
years, as the oldest of four siblings.

  While the rest of the family went to their church's fall festival, I got to
babysit for this precious little one.  I loved every minute of it, even if it involved
a few hours drive to get there.

We arrived home on Saturday evening, and on Sunday morning we picked up our
other five grandchildren.  Their parents went on a business trip, and we were happy to
be their "home" for the next week.  I must admit, it certainly has changed out daily
routine in so many ways, as I am sure you can imagine.  We started out well, when
our grandson shared his special blue fedora with his grandfather:). 

We go through boxes of cereal.  This is one of the favorites.  Thank you Kellogg's

I have found this dry spray shampoo is as handy with granddaughters as it is for me.  For
those days when you just do not have time to shampoo, this product certainly does the
trick.  Just follow it's instructions, and body comes back to one's hair.  I questioned it's
claims, but found them to be true.   After all, when you have only an evening and a
morning with five, before the next day of school, you need to make sure they get their
showers, wash their hair, brush their teeth, get homework done, get backpacks ready
and sitting by the back door, get dressed, get their shoes and socks on, (well, find
matching socks first of all, then get them on), it is a huge job.  My hat is off to all the
mothers in our world. 

But, as with all things in life, there are special benefits too.  Extra help in the kitchen, and
in this case, it was volunteered.  Thanks to the Swiffer Company for their reliable and useful
cleaning product, at least in our home, it is used often.  In fact, most times when they come,
they ask to clean my floor:).

I do not practice the art of bribery in my life, except of course when it is
absolutely necessary.  In this case, I learned, after day two, that it could
come in very handy on school mornings:).
If...they go through the check list of all the above mentioned responsibilities,
then we can all play "Win, Loose, or Draw".  They love this game,
and I found that this morning, they had everything done, a half hour
before it was time to leave for school.  Wow!  I feel fairly good
about my new discovery.  There are not many games that all of their ages
can play, but this one works.  They asked if they can continue
playing when they get home from school.  I think I am on to something here:).
I must admit they are a very competitive group!  Reminds me of my
own childhood, being one of five children.

As I drove home from taking them to school, I was reminded that I could be
even busier, if I had to hang out all of our laundry as a part of my week's
routine.   Although, there is nothing like wash that is hung out to dry, in beautiful
weather like we are having here in our part of the country today.
So, you can see why I have been absent from the blogging world.
Thank you though for stopping by.  I know you all are busy.  Life just is
like that now.  Maybe a can of dry shampoo might help you too.
By the way, before I close this post,  I thought I would share the simple, yet so
pretty centerpiece that my friend had on her table recently.  I really like how she arranged
her mums and water in a shallow, glass pan.  


Anneliese said...

This post reminds me that we'll have our daughter's four (ages 1,5,7,9)for four days
near the end of the month! I can so well imagine that routine of getting lunches packed, breakfast done, homework checked, clean matching socks and hair combed and all that. Phew! I really don't know why it seems to be busier today than it was when it was our kids?! =) ... but such a privilege to be able to help!
I really like that centerpiece too!

Christine said...

Yup, being a grandma (grandpa) is important. Even if the drive takes time.
Taking on 5 for a week is such a gift.

debi said...

I know how much it means to our children to know they can leave their precious cargo with us Grands.... Good idea in regard to the game, I'm all for bribery. :-)
Congrats on your new little grandson, nothing like what it does for ones heart.
Love that center piece idea, beautifully simple but elegant!


corners of my life said...

It looks like your kiddos feel right at home with you.
What a blessing for you all.

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

Oh, my goodness, I cannot imagine keeping 5 grandchildren at the same time. Hats off to you! They do look like a sweet group. I may have to check out the dry shampoo.
Happy new week!

lindsey said...

Oh my goodness Judy, you were busy. I love the Fall photo of your journey down to your daughters house, and then you got to babysit! What more could you ask for. I can quite understand the 'bribery' idea, I also resorted to that when staying at my daughters sometime back, with the need to get ready for school. She has now taken them out of school and is homeschooling them. We went down last weekend for the twins party, i realised I didnt sit down in her house the whole time we were there, apart from when i was eating and icing cookies :)
I so enjoy your blog and seeing the photos of your beautiful family

Judy said...

I can see that your life is full to the brim these days...with your beautiful grands! What a blessing and joy they are! I too have been absent from the blogging world...and am catching up here after being away for a bit. Love the centerpiece too!


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