Saturday, December 26, 2015

As we drove to our family Christmas Eve dinner, it was a rainy, cloudy, warm December
evening.  But, in the midst of that combination, it was also a full moon.  From out of the dark
clouds, the bright full moon would show itself.  It kept our eyes glued to the sky above.  What
an unusual weather night, for this 1 hour trek that we make each December 24th.

We had a wonderful time, relaxing, visiting, and eating with my husband's family.
Spending time with these four handsome brothers, who happen to be our nephews,
is a rare gift.  My sister in law, brother in law, and their four sons, offered gracious
hospitality to the 39 of us.

Christmas morning found us spending time with these precious, pajama
clad children, at our daughter and son-in-law's home.

Our daughter made her grandma's favorite hard boiled egg casserole.  Her grandma would
have been proud of her.  It tasted so delicious, and brought back many memories
of Christmases past, and the beloved lady that we all miss so much.

A quirky, fun elf hat that my husband had received as an early Christmas gift, added to the
laughter of the morning.  Just push the button and the hat actually dances:).

We left our daughter's home and drove to the farm where our brother-in-law and sister-in-
law live, for a late morning brunch.  We both found ourselves in similar situations this Christmas,
with many in our families having other plans. 

The weather was most unusual for December 25th.  This was the what we saw, as we drove
through the country, to the farm, at 10:30 in the morning.

The warm welcome we received though, quickly left the weather conditions behind us.  My
sister-in-law had a beautiful table set for us.  The aroma of "evergreen" filled the air, from
the  holiday candles burning.

What a pretty table!

I especially liked the look after the votive candles were lit, and the watermelon
salads were placed on the table.  Doesn't that add a festive look to it all?

I don't know how she made the salad, but I do know that it was delicious!

Our niece, her husband and their little girl joined us for the brunch.  They were visiting
from TN.  She showed me the adorable dolls that she had made for her daughter's
Christmas gift.  What a talented person she is!

We were also so grateful, that my husband's mother was celebrating with us.  She just had
her 86th birthday.  What a remarkable lady she is!

I finished out my Christmas Day, watching the movie, "Coat of Many Colors".  The
story of Dolly Parton's early childhood years.  It spoke to my heart in a powerful way.
I found it to be one of those movies that draws one right into it's story, and at times
I found myself laughing and at times crying.  It was the best way to close out a very
special Christmas Day.

Life produces so many different chapters.  For me, this was the beginning of a new chapter,
and I am thankful for the health and strength to do just that.

Thanks so much for stopping by today!  How was your Christmas Day celebrated?

Thursday, December 24, 2015


"Merry Christmas" to each of you!  I share one of my favorite Christmas pictures with you,
depicting a scene in history, that changed everything.

Along with one of my favorite Christmas songs, by the Statler Brothers, from years ago.

I want to wish each and everyone of you, moments of joy this Christmas, from my family
to you and yours!

Picture taken at Thanksgiving 2015, on a spur of the moment decision, and captured
 by my dear sister in law.

Thank you so much for stopping by! 

photos from "we heart it" app.

Monday, December 21, 2015


It's the end of the day. I curled up on the sofa, with the cream afghan pulled over
my shoulders.  Soft Christmas carols were playing on the radio.  It just all
felt so comfortable and relaxing.  For some reason, well, actually for many reasons, I am
really having trouble getting motivated this
Christmas.   There is so much waiting to be done, but sitting here
in front of the fire, seems to take precedence. 

The new "Christmas Cottage" magazine offers just what it says, "style with fresh charm".  I
enjoy looking through each of it's beautifully done pages.  So much about this holiday seems
different this year.

Just yesterday, we were keeping our five grandchildren for the day.  The weather seemed
more like September, on the sunny afternoon. 

Our oldest granddaughter excitedly came running to me, eager to show the tiny bouquet of
dandelions that she had picked for me.  Who ever heard of dandelions left to be
picked right before Christmas?

I took her little cluster of flowers and placed them in a tiny vase at my sink, treasuring her

The grass is greener than any December that I can ever remember.
The lady presenting the weather on our local station, claimed that this
is going to be the warmest December ever on record.
But, still the colorful lights flicker, the carols keep playing, and I am so
thankful for it all.

How does the Christmas season feel for you this year?

One more thing, I like this centerpiece that I found on my friend's table last week.  What
a simple, yet clever idea.  Do you agree?

Hoping that you have someone to love and someone who loves you this Christmas! 

Thank you for stopping by!

Monday, December 7, 2015

Thank you Alan Jackson, for sharing the words to a song that I have been singing all day.

My dear, wonderful Mother went peaceably to heaven on Friday, December 4, 2015, after
a difficult, four week bout with cancer. She has blessed many for 81 years, of
which the last 16 years, she has lived in the lower level of our home. 

Yes, some day, I will stroll over heaven with her.  Until then, she will be deeply missed.

Ps.  Alan Jackson's Mother and Mother-in-law are pictured in his youtube.


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