...because we had had a fun birthday party for this sweet three year old. One kitchen table with chairs for 5 adults, 3 booster seats and 2 highchairs on the side, were the makings of a party that transformed my quiet kitchen, to an alive and bustling kitchen.
The Cinderella cake was created by this little one's aunt. The request from the little one, was for a red velvet princess cake, and that is what she got.

The crown came off the cake and onto her head. We gave her the mirror and she was pleased with what she saw.

Three generations, actually four, in the kitchen on this party evening(the fourth being my granddaughter who isn't pictured).

Going along with the princess and Cinderella theme of the evening, our gift to her was a box of dress-up clothes. With a vivid imagination and her enjoyment of "girly" things, she seemed excited to receive each piece.

The crown came off the cake and onto her head. We gave her the mirror and she was pleased with what she saw.

Three generations, actually four, in the kitchen on this party evening(the fourth being my granddaughter who isn't pictured).

Going along with the princess and Cinderella theme of the evening, our gift to her was a box of dress-up clothes. With a vivid imagination and her enjoyment of "girly" things, she seemed excited to receive each piece.

Here she is in her "Cinderella" dress, earrings, and purse.

And with her dad who always calls her, his "Cinderella princess".

New sunglasses to go with the princess outfit.

Little sister was caught up in the excitement of the evening, and was thrilled to get her own pair of sunglasses.
Just a simple evening of fun in our family. Thanks for stopping by today.

New sunglasses to go with the princess outfit.

Little sister was caught up in the excitement of the evening, and was thrilled to get her own pair of sunglasses.
Just a simple evening of fun in our family. Thanks for stopping by today.