Thank you! To each of you who took the time to comment on my previous post today.
To those who took the time to write out your thoughts and experiences.
It all encouraged my heart in a special way.
I am aware of the fact that I do think, analyze and critique too much.
It just sometimes puzzles me as to why you visit this blog with all it's everyday simplicity,
but I am so thankful you do. Thank you for your visits, and if you have time...your comments.
It is a real blessing to me.
I always love everything you post...always look forward to your blog....
I always love everything you post...always look forward to your blog....
We visit because we enjoy getting to know you and then having you visit us too.
We enjoy your stories also.
Happy Tuesday.
Its because of the "everyday simplicity" that I check out your blog site EVERY day hoping there will be a new post. You have a knack of making the ordinary seem extraordinaty, Judy!
Bless you!
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