They came from many different sources over the from friends, freebies from cosmetic counters, or freebies in make-up promotions, ready-to-be-discarded by friends, flea markets, antique malls, birthday gifts, goodwill stores and more. It is interesting when one is known by their collections, what one receives for that collection. Many of them hold memories of the person who gave it to me.

This one is very special to me. It contains the fragrance " Ooh, La La", and it was purchased personally by my husband for me, for my birthday. He said he tried to pick out a bottle that would be unique to my collection, and the name of it would be significant since it was from him. What a kind, thoughtful gift.

This one is very special to me. It contains the fragrance " Ooh, La La", and it was purchased personally by my husband for me, for my birthday. He said he tried to pick out a bottle that would be unique to my collection, and the name of it would be significant since it was from him. What a kind, thoughtful gift.
In Queen Victoria's era, these were discreetly tucked inside a glove. Thanks to the friends who wore these fragrances, the empty beautiful glass bottles are now displayed in my collection. Next time you visit the cosmetic counters of large department stores, stop and look at all of the uniquely created bottles of perfume.
What a pretty and colorful collection you have, Judy. I always enjoy seeing what other people like to collect. The bottle from your husband is very unique and such a cute name. I think my favorite thing about collections is the memories that are attached to them. You can't help but look at them and think of the people who have given them to you or the special places you visited when you bought them.
Before I even commented, I had to let my wonderful friend, Eileen know about this post. She will be so tickled as she collects perfume bottles!
Thank you so much for this brought joy to me because of Eileen and she will be tickled pink (she's heavy into pink these days anyway).
My friend Marcy sent me here, and am I happy that she did!
I'm obsessed with perfumes! I love perfume bottles! And I especially love vintage and or unique things!
Your collection is beautiful, you are lucky to have it and so generous to share it with the blog world! I love them all and I'm on my way back to view them once again!
Great post!
Now that is a most impressive collection of perfume bottles! There's a few there that looked somewhat familiar to me. I often admire the bottles...but have never thought of collecting them. Enjoy your treasures!
What a beautiful display Judy!!
I too LOVE the look of perfume bottles...and I've enjoyed seeing your collection!
Praying you have an AMAZING day!
How pretty! What a big collection you have too! I've always enjoyed looking at the bottles in department store. Too pricey for me but some of them are just gorgeous! Thanks for sharing yours!
Judy, they are lovely!!! I so enjoyed looking at them. I collect tiny, tiny perfume bottles.
Thanks for sharing with us.
What a beautiful collection! I bet they are gorgeous sitting on the mirrored shelves.
You always make me smile :>) Thank you for the comments on my post. You have a truly lovely collection of bottles. I love perfume bottles too. sometimes I will buy a perfume just because of the design of the bottle. These are all very pretty. I love the little bottle your hubby gave you. It's very unigue and beautiful.
Hi Judy,
Thank you for all the precious comments and memories you are leaving within my heart on my blog and on your own. I am so tremendously blessed by your presence in my life.
Time in a that title and the collection is BEAUTIFUL!
I had never thought to collect perfume bottles. I do collect cobalt blue, bottles, vases and whatever. I just gave one of my daughters my collection of Santa Clauses. I had about 40, all different mediums. A seasonal item is harder to collect since they have to be moved out and then back in. Your bottles must be beautiful in the mirrors and all together too.
You have such a beautiful collection! I love the Oh, la la from your hubby -that was thoughtful!!
Good Morning Judy!!
Just stopped by to see what you've been up to. I have 2 weddings coming up in a little less than 5 weeks. Yikes! Also trying to get some yard work done. We're going to let someone help this time. Gotta run, but I'll try and stop by soon when I can stay longer. Thank you for not giving up on me!! Have a good week.
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