Ollies...same day I discovered the "Paula Deen" cookware display, I found a big display of nice white wooden framed magnetic dry erase boards for 3.99 each. I put two of them in my cart knowing that I would be able to use them in the future. This weekend two special people in my life are graduating, one from middle school last evening, and my neice from high school this evening. I pulled out some of my free discontinued wallpaper books, my Elmer's craft bond spray adhesive, and some tubes of glitter, and went to work.
My sweet friend who graduated from middle school will get this board with the magnets, for her white and pink bedroom. Hopefully she will have lots of fun invites, verses, phone numbers, and whatever else she chooses to display on this colorful board. The daisies I cut out of some of the wallpaper and glued them to the bottom of the board. The rest is two different pages of wallpaper glued to the board. The magnets came with it and I added some pink glitter paint to them. Hope she enjoys this small, simple gift from the heart.
Neither of these photos did a good job of capturing the color of this board, created for my neice. Her collage dorm room will be decorated with a pink and green color scheme, with a tropical feel to the decor. Can you believe, I opened the one large wallpaper book and look what I found. How perfect!! I used parts of three coordinating pages to decorate this board. The palm trees were a border to go with the white paper with small palm trees on it. The flowers I cut out of one of the pages of coordinating paper and glued them at different spots of the board. I used my ProMAG magnets from Michaels, and hot glued them onto glass flowers I had in the drawer from years ago. I added pink glitter to the center of each flower. I share these simple, fun ideas with you, just incase you ever need a gift and want to decorate a magnet board for a young person in your life. Truth is...it really is the thought that counts in all of gift giving. Hopefully, in the next few years of their schooling, they will think of me when they put papers on this board.

Once again you have created gifts that are thoughtful, thrifty, and adorable!!
You are SOOOOO Creative!
They will be so thrilled...what neat gifts! I now think of you every time I walk into a dollar store...and try to remember what little things I should be on the look-out for. You have such great ideas.
BTW...the word verification for this post is 'cones'. Sounds good to me!
They are works of art...what lucky recipients! You could find a lot of people waitng in line for those gorgeous boards!
You can't imagine how inspiring your continual creativity encourages me to stretch out of my long-standing same-old, same-old thinking and think differently. I've done so many new things that started with your amazing ideas. Keep 'em coming. What a perfect project for a rainy day.
You are better than Martha Stewart - seriously! Looove this idea - I may have to copy it! :-0
When I grow up, I want to be as creative as you are!
I wish I'd taken pictures of some of my crafts from yesteryear ... like the time I tried to sew a suit for my husband (never mind I'd never sown a stitch before). Or the time I stenciled my laundry room and it came out looking like a bedazzled Christmas gift.
Oh well.
Be blessed,
I have also found your ideas to be inspiring to me. Thank goodness for young blog friends. Bless you and family.
The boards are wonderful!!! I know they will both love them. Perfect graduation gifts.
Stay Cozy, Carrie
I know you are going to make two young ladies very happy with the beautiful gifts you have created. I admire your talent and creativity.
She's GONNA love this beautiful gift! What a THOUGHTFUL...BEAUTIFUL gift!
What a great gift idea.
Judy...see! I called you by your real name this time, instead of your a "nickname" I usually call you by! :). Liv LOVED her gotgeous magnetic board, she showed all her friends and THEY loved it too! How lucky are we to have YOU as our sister she auntie?! You're the BEST!! Love ya.!!
Great gifts, you are so clever!
These turned out great Mom! I remember how much I used the bulletin board you gave me in college. Touches of pretty "Judy made gifts" can really make a dorm room feel more like home!:) Hope you're having a great day! love you!
love this!! (do i say that every time?)
and i want one!!
Wow that's a real cool Idea!!Thanks,I'll have to try that.You are VERY creative.
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