Another day is coming to a close and with that another post is being posted from this blogger. Rarely do I share facts about me. I tend to be more private than transparent. But, tonight I thought I would share a few trivial facts about me, be it ever so trivial.
~I like candlelight, anywhere and anytime. Most early morning and evenings you will find candles burning in my home.
~I like bouquets of flowers. From the garden, from the grocery store or from the florist. I have seen my friends create some of the most beautiful bouquets from their gardens. I should post the tours I've had of my friend's flower gardens.
~Violets. I remember as a little girl collecting them each Summer and putting them in vases. Now whenever I see these tiny purple flowers I think of a good friend whose favorite flowers are violets. Don't you love it when something reminds you of a good friend?
~I cherish moments of quiet, relaxation, and just being together with my husband.
~good cups of hot's what gets me up in the morning and what adds pleasure to my life when I get to sit and drink it, while sharing fun times with a good friend.

~hearing news from my wonderful daughter and son-in-law that I am going to be grandma again...their first child. How exciting!!!

~hearing news from my wonderful daughter and son-in-law that I am going to be grandma again...their first child. How exciting!!!
~when I think that strawberry season is right around the corner. I absolutely love the fresh, sweet, big red strawberries that our dear neighbors on the farm, grow.

~pink roses are a very favorite flower of mine, especially if they are the old fashion roses. They remind me of my grandmas and that is a special memory.

~games of Scrabble with my mother, and at times with my mother-in-law. This picture reminded me of the many games of Scrabble that my Mother and I played together over the years. And, often she would serve us her favorite English muffins while we played. Both ladies are very accomplished Scrabble players. I've learned so much from them. One of the games I enjoy the most.

~pink roses are a very favorite flower of mine, especially if they are the old fashion roses. They remind me of my grandmas and that is a special memory.
~games of Scrabble with my mother, and at times with my mother-in-law. This picture reminded me of the many games of Scrabble that my Mother and I played together over the years. And, often she would serve us her favorite English muffins while we played. Both ladies are very accomplished Scrabble players. I've learned so much from them. One of the games I enjoy the most.
~tea cups...beautiful china tea cups. My mother collected them for years, and whenever I see them, I think of her. I like how they dressed this cup and saucer up with a few fresh daisies.

~when I am given an armful of flowers or when I can give them to someone I love, brings me great joy. If I could I would give this bouquet to my dear friend and her family who unexpectantly lost their father and grandfather last evening. My heart goes out to them at this painful time when life suddenly changes with one phone call. I remember...

~taking containers of any and every sort and using them creatively. This photo reminds me of the jelly jars that I wrapped with wire around last summmer, and put in votive candles to hang on my screened in porch.
I collect containers and am always looking for new uses for them.

~and a precious little girl who now stands beside me and helps me cook dinner. Last evening she was whipping the eggs for me. Notice she has my bracelet on...that brings me a smile every time.
~when I am given an armful of flowers or when I can give them to someone I love, brings me great joy. If I could I would give this bouquet to my dear friend and her family who unexpectantly lost their father and grandfather last evening. My heart goes out to them at this painful time when life suddenly changes with one phone call. I remember...
~taking containers of any and every sort and using them creatively. This photo reminds me of the jelly jars that I wrapped with wire around last summmer, and put in votive candles to hang on my screened in porch.
I collect containers and am always looking for new uses for them.
~and a precious little girl who now stands beside me and helps me cook dinner. Last evening she was whipping the eggs for me. Notice she has my bracelet on...that brings me a smile every time.
These are just a few of my favorite things. Nothing profound...just me.
Most of these pictures were from past issues of Country Living British Edition Magazine, that were filed in my basket. Thanks to their great photographers I could share them with you.
I loved reading about your favorite things! and we are going to be made grammies about the same time...congrats to your beautiful exciting. Our grandbaby is due mid October. I am so excited!
Thanks for sharing part of yourself, and the pic of that little one made me smile!
Family, friends and fun are some
of the greatest gifts we have!
Loved your favorite things....many of them are mine too...
What a treat to catch the beauty of your soul in this posting.
Loved what your shared.
woohoooooooooo! Congrats on being a grandma again. LOVED hearing that news from your beautiful daughter. So excited for her and you!! All those things make me actually think of YOU! Hope your day is wonderful. Love you Aunt Judy
Thanks for sharing. I love candles too. I should own stock in Yankee by now! Congratulations on the good news! Debbie
It was fun getting to know a little more about you, Judy. Congratulations on your daughter's exciting news.
All of your pictures are lovely. I noticed the bracelet on your granddaughter and thought it was so cute, but even sweeter to know that it belongs to you.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Congratulations, Judy, on another blessing of a grandchild coming your way again soon!
Your little grand daughter is the perfect helper.
So many of your favorite things are mine also and your lost made me smile!
Judy, I think we are two of a kind. I'm right there with you on each item that you listed, save being bless with grandchildren.
Simple beautiful things feed our hearts and souls, don't they?
Oh my friend...what a beautiful post. I so enjoyed reading and learning just a little more about you. I'm so thrilled to learn about your daughter and son-in-law...what a wonderful and very special time! Congrats! I'm happy for yet another precious little one who will be blessed with such a special Grammy!
Congratulations Judy & family...How exciting!!! Thanks for sharing!!!
Your blog is the very first one I discovered.. who knew such a wonderful venue on the internet existed? I didn't, until about two months ago. And, I must say yours is probably my favorite, if we should have favorite blog sites, that is kind of like having a favorite child (a real no no) :)
I like blog sites where the real person shines through and yours does, big time.
When I am stressed your blog calms me and reminds me of what is really important on this earth.. enjoying the little things
Thank you so much. I appreciate all your efforts.
What a sweet post Judy. Actually I would have guessed many those things about you. :) You have a sweet quiet presence about you.
BTW, old roses are the best! They smell wonderful and the old frilly style of the flowers is beautiful.
Good morning Judy, I loved learning about some of your favorite things. Many of them are also mine. That picture of your little granddaughter wearing your bracelet and helping you in the kitchen was just adorable! How exciting for your daughter and son-in-law as well as the rest of your family. Thank you for the comments you leave on my post. I hope you are enjoying your weekend.
This is a great post, so many of your favourite things are mine too! nd CONGRATULATIONS!!!! how excting for your daughter and son in law and of course the rest of the family. I am glad you lie UK Country Living, I get it each month...but I also enjoy USA CL when I can get it. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Love your favorite things and getting to know you better. Congratulations on another grandbaby coming soon. It looks like there are more trips to Texas?? I think if I remember right?? to see that new little one. This time of life is soooo good!!
Have a wonderful day!
Thank you dear friend....I am finally home and catching up on my favorite blogs...and caught your sweet words. You do remember, and I thank you for your kindness. Consider the flowers given...all the beautiful words you write about remembering the people and memories of the past mean even more to me now. Thank you dear friend.
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