It is a raining, overcast and cool this Monday morning. This kind of morning makes starting out my week, a bit more difficult. Maybe it is because I am now 56 years old...maybe that is why I am feeling a bit sluggish today. Is this what 56 feels like? They keep sending me the AARP cards in the mail. I'm not sure I like that. Do you...all of you out there who are now in your 50s?
If my mother was reading this post right now, she would be saying, "think what all the years you have to be thankful for, instead of thinking how old you now are." I know she is right...but I am feeling a bit old today.
I am grateful though for the creatively done, homemade card that I received from one of my friends. She makes so many pretty cards. She knows I like glitter...just little touches of glitter.

Our youngest daughter got a diamond from this fine young man. After a four year, long distance relationship, he asked her to marry him. We congratulate both of them and look forward to their June 2011 wedding.
I really like the soft pink rose that sits by my computer and shares it lovely fragrance. It is my favorite flower, and it makes me smile just having it on my desk.
I couldn't believe these two little ones were actually holding hands as they sat on my kitchen table on Saturday morning. How cute is that???
Outside my bathroom window, is this gorgeous tree. I took this picture on Saturday afternoon. Do any of you expert gardening friends of mine, know what this tree is? The blue skies and the fragrant blossoms created joy for me this weekend. I know life is not all clear blue skies and sunshine. I know we need the rain to have everything grow. I know time keeps moving and years keep adding up. I know...I know...
I am thankful today...really I am. I am thankful for any of you who take the time to visit this simple, ordinary blog. You...are a blessing to me in rainy and sunny days.
Good Morning dear friend; you are a very young and beautiful 56...and take heart, you are always younger than someone you know! Looks like a tulip tree...we had one out front of our NH home long ago...wishing you joy and pink roses on a gray Monday!
My guess is a magnolia tree.
Tulip Tree! We use to have one...I loved it! From another one in her 50's just thankful to be here!
I love it! It's real, not dreary!
We'll have to keep that picture of the twins handy for the times they are using their hands/fists in less loving way when they're older. ;)
Sweet couple! Long engagement...I hope they enjoy it greatly, and that you and your daughter enjoy planning just the perfect wedding!
I'll be 56 in two more weeks, and with no grands to keep me young, I feel quite puddish and a bit blah.
Or maybe it is just the gray day we are having here too.
word verification: hexclot. Maybe that is the word that should be used to describe feeling blah on a grey March day...
I'm so blessed always in my visit Judy. Your Grandbabies are absolutely adorable.
Congratulations to the beautiful couple. How precious they look together. I pray God's blessings over their soon coming wedding and long standing marriage. Amen!!
You are not a bit of old my friend. You have lived a life of love, wisdom and giving in the Lord and it shows all over your family!!! I'm honored to reap a tiny bit of all the ways GOD uses your life by all that you pour out to us online.
Beautiful rose and how fitting that it sits beside the computer of another of God's beautiful creations -- YOU!
Love you.
I can so relate to your past 50s feelings. It isn't all roses, as much as I wish it could be. My sister will turn 56 in May. When I am feeling down about my age, I think about her and how much she has lost and it usually helps me put things into perspective.
Now, on a happier note, congratulations to your daughter on her engagement. That is a lovely picture of the 2 of them. She has such a cute smile.
Also, the picture of the twins holding hands is soooo cute. I had to smile when I saw that one.
I hope you had a happy birthday and the sun will be coming out soon in your part of the country.
Hello, I believe your tree is a Magnolia, a very beautiful one too. I stop by your blog from time to time and always enjoy it. many reasons to smile today!
Congrats to your daughter and her special guy...many blessings to them as they plan to spend their life together. I'm sure you will have a lot of fun times planning the wedding.
The twins...just too sweet!
Let me put 56 into perspective. From 58 it looks quite young! I must say I'm so enjoying the fifties...who would have thought?
Oh those babies are sooooooooo adorable! I think God figured this out that in our fifties we needed these wonderful grand babies as an encouragement and a sign "for a hope and a future."
My sure fix for a glum mood is spending time playing with my grands. They exhaust me, but they make me smile all the way down to my toes!
Roses tend to do that to me too! We should live near each other, really!
The blossoms on your tree are beautiful and I wish they were outside my window as well (31 degrees here in Western NY!) My advice - ignore the AARP cards, you don't get anything for joining except more mail.
We all have our "sluggish" moments-
I don't think it matters how old you are.
Congratulations on the engagement--
they are a great looking couple.
Those babies are ADORABLE!!
Tulip Tree? maybe....enjoyed the post....great pictures...
congrats to your daughter! Don't feel are 56 years young! We all have are down days though...and you deserve it! xoxo, cherry
You are a beautiful 56, that's for sure!
I got a call from a funeral home to buy a headstone!!! Yes, I agree, I don't need the reminders...
AARP, hearing aids,etc.
In some ways I feel like I'm just getting started!
Hugs! Your blog is always a treat. What a precious daughter, and now another wedding, such joy.
Hello my friend! Let me say 56 looks fabulous on you! I haven't hit the 50's quite yet, but my hubby yes, we hear from AARP very regularly! = )
Congrats to your beautiful daughter on her engagement! I look forward to seeing and hearing more as time draws near.
Those grands photos are always such a great. Those twins are growing so fast! = )
Oh, that tree is just beautiful! = )
Blessings my sweet friend!
What a wonderful collection of thoughts and photos!
About the 56 thing ... Given that I'm 62, I can tell you I totally relate. I believe I have a ton of energy, and it's certain you do. But some days the body rebels (in my case, arthritis comes to call), and I find I just can't/don't push like I once did. Naps have become a luxury.
The flowers are so pretty. I'm not surprised they grow in your yard - no doubt to grace some table or brighten someone's life.
And those babies? The cutest darn thing I ever did see!
Have a lovely Easter, friend. I'll just bet it's a special, decorated, festive, yummy, love-fest at your house.
Good Morning. I am a few days behind in reading your post. the tree you questioned is a Star Magnolia. I have one just like it outside my LR window. It was given to us by our neighbors in memory of my mother in law who passed away April 12, 2003. It always blooms around the time we lost her....the reason my gardening friend chose it for us. Enjoy!
I love you my old 56 year old blog friend...I think the thing is that we are heading to 60 and that sounds OLD...but I'm telling you...I don't feel my 51 years old and I think we in our 50's are looking better and taking better care of ourselves and enjoying life. Especially our grandma days and life really is GOOD and age is just a number...just think about Abraham and Sarah having a baby at 90!!! It's just a number....and you are a beautiful girl!!!
We make 50+ look good...remember that!!!
Love ya....Connie
Congrats too to your daughter and to you....a wonderful!!
Good evening Judy, I can see I have missed a lot. First of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! You are beautiful inside and out. Don't let the age thing bother you. I believe age is a state of mind. Congratulations to your daughter and her significant other. How exciting! I love weddings ♥ That picture of the little twins is sooo adorable. I just love it. Thank you so much for the kind comments you leave on my blog. I have to say last week was very stressful with Charli being ill and Easter.
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