Friday, July 8, 2016

 Ten years ago today, our grandson was born.  As you all know, years can fly by, and we've had so much fun with blessed to have him as part of our family!!!

His energy, his fun spirit and his outgoing personality, give him a long list of friends.

On Tuesday evening, we celebrated him and all his special qualities, with a big (cupcake) "10"

Here he is now, with a bit of birthday cake on his face, but a most handsome, young man, never-the-less.

He has many who love him, including this little guy, one of his youngest cousins.  With
patience and kindness, he works with him and instructs him. 

We are so thankful for him, and wish him many more happy birthdays ahead.


Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

What a cutie! Love that red hair!

Judy said...

Happy birthday to your handsome young guy! My granddaughter had much the same 'cake' for her 10th birthday two months ago.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Happy 10th birthday to this handsome young man. Fun number (cup)cake!

corners of my life said...

A decade of love is a good thing to celebrate.


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