Lately I have been made aware of the demise of a written letter, and realize that it is almost becoming a lost art in today's world. I have heard comments from those living in retirement homes, college dorms, and the daily routines of living...whovisit the mailbox each day and find only junk mail, bills, and advertisements. The gift of a hand written letter is becoming extinct in our technological age. In one of the books that grace my bookshelves, is a book titled "When Words Matter Most" by Robyn Freedman Spizman. In her second chapter with the title "Words of Encouragement and Praise" is a paragraph titled "It's Never Too Late". "Think of someone-a friend, family member, or teacher-who played an important role in your life and helped you to be the person you are today. Write them a letter of encouragement and praise them. Return the kindness they once showed you; you'll be glad you did."
Roger Carswell, our good friend from England, wrote in his last newsletter an article titled "Royal Mail". He said, "Letters, postcards, notelets are a means of encouraging, informing, ministering, strengthening, sharing, sympathising, identifying. They say to the recipient, I am sufficiently bothered that I will give time to input into your life, so that you will know that I care. Like a bench provided as a memorial to someone who loved that spot with a view, so a letter can be a means of refreshment to the mind and soul."
A hand written letter that arrives in the mailbox in the midst of an ordinary day truly can make a difference. To me and to those who receive it, it shares the fact that someone cares, someone is thinking of me, and someone took the time to let me know.
The coming holiday and the time preceeding it, when stores, card companies, and television commercials push their Valentine's Day agendas, it can be quite a lonely and discouraging time for many in our worlds. Perhaps the gift of a simple, heartfelt letter could make the difference to someone in your world. It only costs a few cents, but it does cost time to actually write it, even if it is only a few lines. My goal this February, is to take time to remember certain people in my life with a Valentine letter.

The message on this beautifully done magazine photo is "May no gift be too small(like a letter, added by me) to give, nor too simple to receive, which is wrapped in thoughtfulness and tied with love."
Top picture from Romantic Homes Magazine ~ July 2001
Bottom picture from Victoria Magazine