Change...it is a fact of my life and yours.
This year was all about change for me.
Once again, we were privileged to share a very special Thanksgiving celebration at the old farmhouse of my brother-in-law and sister-in-law, and as always the warm welcome of these two, was extended to us.
The "us" was just my husband and I. We, along with my mother-in-law were invited to join their family for the celebration. Not one of our daughters or our grandchildren were able to join us.
This was the first time in 33 years for us.
We were honored to join with their wonderful family.

The tablescape in the old farmhouse kitchen was so beautifully done. My sister-in-law and her creative daughters can make any tablescape worth photographing.

Their little guys had their own table and they were just as pleased as could be.

They played games and spent time with paper and crayons.

We read a letter on memories from one of us, that is in another country during the holidays, giving us laughter and then more stories.

Here is a picture of four generations. Great-grandmother, grandmother, mother, and little granddaughter share a special moment together.

My neice put together this unique corn creation that added a touch of warmth to her kitchen counter.
As we sat and talked around the kitchen table, I was reminded of the fact that life is so full of change. For years I have been sitting around this same kitchen table, celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday. For many of those years I was jumping up quite often to check on my own children. Then there were the years when I had teenagers sitting around the same table with me.
Now, I sat at the table realizing that change had happened. Some of our girls were out of state, and one of them and her husband decided to have their own celebration their little ones.

But, as always when we walked out the door and said goodbye to these dear people, I felt thankfulness in my heart, that despite the change I had to accept, I was so blessed by our visit.
Another memory was created for me at this cozy, inviting farm in the country.
We drove miles in the rain, to face yet another change in our Thanksgiving celebrating.
We were invited to our oldest daughter's home to share with a Thanksgiving dinner with them.
Our daughter and son-in-law had cooked their first turkey dinner and we would sit down at their table and celebrate together.

I relinquished my cooking and being in charge role to this lovely daughter. I was no longer at the stove and hurriedly rushing through the many duties of creating a meal.

You see, somehow in what seems like a brief amount of time, I went from the age of my daughter with young children of my own, to being in the age group and role of "mawmaw".
As I sat in their kitchen and observed her and her husband working together, and listened as little ones voices filled their home, I was confronted again with the changes of my life.

The little blond seated to my right, pulled my sleeve to get my attention, her chubby hand was covered with the cranberry sauce, she had been eating with her fingers. I didn't care. I love this little girl. The red cranberry sauce could be washed off. She didn't mean to do it, although her mother was dismayed at the incident.
I find myself with a whole new mindset these days. My daugher said, "mom, your rules sure have changed since we were children." That is true. And, you know what, someday her rules will change too.

I am a "mama" now. I am done with the parenting role:)
I was told the rules change, and now I know that to be true.

The green bean casserole that has been one of my Thanksgiving meal favoites for many years was still on the table. Now though, it was baked by the one coming after me. I had the great privilege of sitting and eating it.
Change...I know that I will face more in the years ahead. I know without a doubt, that life is just like that. The changes ahead could be a lot more difficult to accept than these simple ones were. Some of you have faced many more radical changes than I have this year. I know that from reading your blogs. You had far more to process in your minds and hearts this Thanksgiving holiday, than I did.
But today, I appreciate that you let me share with you, the chapter of life that I found myself in this holiday.

Daughter, I am proud of the person you grew up to be, and I am thankful for the husband God has blessed you with. I am thankful for the dear little ones who stared out the window, waving good bye to us as we drove away, and yes, I am even thankful for the change factors of my life.