I planned to meet my daughter at the grocery store a few weeks ago. Upon entering the grocery store, this is what I found as I came around the corner of one of the isles. Colorful car with two dear children, attached to grocery cart with adorable baby in a car seat in the cart. Mother with list, checking off items as she picked them off of the shelf. It put the ordinary chore of grocery shopping in a whole different category for me, than what I have been doing the last few years...running into store, hurriedly picking up what I need, check-out, and leave. This was a huge job for her.
I put baby in car seat into my cart and she kept the two toddlers in car, hooked to her cart, and we each went our separate directions, completing our grocery shopping. Must admit, I found it difficult to concentrate on shopping with a little sweetheart looking up at me the whole time. Many in the store must have wondered why the lady was always bent over laughing and talking into her cart.
Meanwhile, with bags of graham crackers and their own sippy cups, the other two passed the grocery routine in their favorite grocery car, with steering wheel included. Thank you grocery stores for helping mothers with this duty.
Somehow, through it all, she has a way of making ordinary events, seem like so much fun for the children. Notice at this point of the adventure, a smile is still on her face. What might make this whole process, a bit more complicated, is the fact that she is expecting twins in the Fall. Yes, you read it right...life is continually full of surprises. I can see it now, a car for two, hooked to a grocery cart which is hooked to two more grocery carts. Seriously, she will not be doing grocery shopping with children when the twins come. Another plan will be put into motion at that time. For now, we will all take one day at a time, grateful for each one.
I think I had my kids 30 years too soon...before anyone thought of such fun and practical shopping carts!
Congratulations on two more sweet babies! You are going to be busy too Judy!!
Oh my...what a cute picture. Congrats on twins!!
That is such a cute picture of your daughter and adorable kids at the grocery store. They all look so happy. Congratulations to them on the twins. Sounds like some busy, but happy times are ahead.
Judy, thanks for your sweet comment about my son's picture on your side bar. You are always so thoughtful.
Wow! Don't think I could do it. And why didn't they have those delightful things in the stores when my daughters were little?
I can't wait to do this with the grands. . but both of them at the same time? I think I'll need a helper too. I love the pictures. .darling kids.
Bless her heart! God gives incredible strength to us Mom's doesn't He?! I didn't have as many to cart into the grocery store as your daughter. I only had 2. She's about to have...5! WOW!
Those babies are all beautiful. What a sweet blessing.
Hi! From reading your blog, I gather you're somewhere in an area that I also used to be in . Places sound very familiar to me. For 3 years, having a similar situation (minus the twins) I found it nearly impossible to shop with any kind of sanity. I discovered that ACME (hopefully I'm correct about your area) delivers (for a small fee, completely worth it). I found that shopping online was extrememly relaxing, as I sat with an open cookbook in my lap, including all ingredients, all while performing price comparisons and shopping sales. While you cannot shop with clipped coupons (as though children in tow really allow for this anyway), you can find weekly deals. The items arrived as frozen (if the need be) as if I had just removed them from the freezers, meats and produce were lovely (they aren't about to choose the bad cuts), and they pulled into the driveway and brought bags into my kitchen. Check it out! What a wonderful way to shop!!
it is quite funny when your older children want to pushed around in the cart with the car. YES, we have done that!!
twins?? oh.my.word. how exciting. i think?!
Wow - more cute babies on the way! Congratulations!!!
Oh could I have used that shopping cart when I had my three year old son and then twin daughters!
Stay Cozy, Carrie
It is amazing to see a mother smile while shopping. So many times I feel so bad for folks when I see children mistreated, usually due to frustration. God bless all the Moms and children. We had 6. I don't know what I would have done if seat belts had been in use. We took up an entire pew at church.
Wow! What a blessing!
Oh my goodness twins! That is marvelous ♥ Congratulations to all of you! You are truly blessed ♥ I love all of the pictures. Your grandchildren are adorable. I wish they would have had those kinds of carts when my three sons were little. I think it would have made shopping more fun. I hope you have a great day ♥
Looking at the picture and it's no wonder the Lord has chosen to bless her with two more sweet babies! What an inspiration! Congrats to all of you!
Jeane is so sweet and encouraging like you! It was because of Jeane that I write my blog today, I am a much happier person today because of Jeane's listening ears!! I am sure that is why she shops with a smile, with all of her precious kids in tow, because she is so loving and those kids are so blessed to have her as their Mom!!
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