Thursday, December 9, 2010

I am not a candy lover.
I do not buy candy and neither do I find it tempting to eat if I have it in my home.
So, when I saw this box of candy at the store, why did I find myself placing it on the counter at the checkout?
I am a sentimental person to some degree, and when I saw this box it immediately took me back to my grandma's houses and their candy jars.
When I took one and put it in my mouth I couldn't believe what the taste of it did to me. Instantly, it took me back many another time and place.
I remember clearly, my grandma telling me I could take some candy on my visits with them.

Do you remember these candies?
Did your grandma have a candy dish or jar?
Can you believe in this day and age of so many changes, that the Washburn Candy Co. has been making this old fashion hard candy since 1856?

I put the newly purchased candies in this pretty glass canister and it will go to my MIL's apartment. She will be able to share it with her many friends.
What fun memories they all will be able to share.
I hope they are still being made when I go to the home:)


Love Being A Nonny said...

I do remember this candy and I buy it every Christmas....just for the memories!! Thanks for *taking me back*.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

I feel the same about ribbon candy. I don't particularly love it but it is so pretty in a glass candy dish and reminds me of an old-fashioned Christmas. I buy it every year (and usually throw out the uneaten pieces in Jan.)

Happy wishes to you this day! said...

I also remember these candies... Christmas brings so many precious little nuggets from long ago right back to the present. Your gracious and warm postings are just perfect!

Anonymous said...

I do remember this candy! I love how you have it arranged. So pretty! Every year at Christmas we fill a container with candy and everyone has to guess how many peices are in it. The winner gets to take it home. I like unusual containers like this one as our children are getting pretty good at this guessing game :>)

Happy@Home said...

Excuse the pun, but this is a very sweet post. I enjoyed hearing about your memories associated with the candy. It is so like you to find a kind use for the candy now by sharing it with your MIL and her friends. I am sure your grandmas would be very proud of you.
Everything does seem to be changing around us, but it is good to know that this candy is still being made for all those years.

It looks so pretty in the jar you chose with the sprig of holly tied to it.

Lovella ♥ said...

I found some beautiful ribbon candy last year that I bought simply for decoration. I can pass most candy by no problem too...well most times.

What a lovely jar to share.

Crickit said...

YES!! My grandmother DID have a candy jar with these exact little candies in them and also the ribbon candy. I will be putting up a post soon about the memories of my grandmother and the wonderful candy dish! I really love how memories of just some special candy in a grandmother's candy jar can bring back such precious memories! :)

Thoughts on Life and Millinery. said...

The Vermont Country Store catalogue has all the all time candies. It is like a trip down memory lane and makes me wonder how many other folks remember a colorful "Grandma's candy jar".

They usually didn't get eaten before they all got stuck together. By the way, a single candy dropped into coffee or tea is a great way to enjoy them over the holiday season.

Judy said...

Old fashioned candies in a jar...perfect! We used to have those every Christmas.

Sheila said...

I do remember this candy. Thanks for *taking me back*. Would love to know where to find some these days?? email me with where you got yours.

Thanks Sheila

Kim@Seasons of My Heart said...

I remember those same candies..from G-ma's house too.


Marty said...

Yes, this was Gma's candy. And Gpa had by his bedstand a candy dish with pink, round Pepto Bismol tasting candies. I had the impression as a small child they were medicinal but Gma would always let me have one when I helped her clean. At Christmas she would also bring out a round wooden dish that looked like tree bark on the side filled with mixed nuts in the shell - the nutcracker and little picks for digging were stuck in little holes made to hold them in the center. Brazil nuts were my favorites. Wonder what will spark memories in OUR grandchildren's futures?! Thanks for the journey back in time.

Christine said...

Just this past weekend I bought the very same kind of candy. Not my kind of treat but, like you, it brings back memories.
So is this call comfort food?

Melinda said...

These really remind me of the Christmas Season.


corners of my life said...

I can still remember the taste of those old-fahioned candies. I wonder if they tasted better just because they were at Grandmas?!

LisaShaw said...

Oh precious Judy, Your last photo dropped me into big tears as I thought for a split second that it was my Grandma's I was looking at.

She had a dish just like that which she would fill with those big candies :) and wrap a ribbon around it. Thanks for bringing a sweet memory to the forefront of my mind in a time when I'm missing my Grandparents SO MUCH.

Love you.

PatsyAnne said...

I loved these candies, especially the hard red raspberry with a soft center... and the ribbon candies - they were put out the week of Christmas and I knew all was well with the world when I'd go to my Grandparents home and there they would be - and no one looked when you took a piece.
Merry Christmas to all - I wish you tangerines in your stockings and a bowl of hard candies...

Connie said...

I do remember these candie too! Every Christmas we had these at our house. I have bought them over the years too just for the memories. I don't really eat hard candy although I do like candy!!

What a wonderful gift!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Ohhhh... I used to LOVE those hard candies as a child. I especially liked the ones that had a hint of clove in them. Neat to know they are still out there.

They look pretty in that lovely jar!


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