Thursday, November 5, 2009

"While she was enjoying a transatlantic ocean trip, Billie Burke, the famous actress, noticed that a gentleman at the next table was suffering from a bad cold.
"Are you uncomfortable?" she asked sympathetically. The man nodded.
"I'll tell you what to do for it, " she offered. "Go back to your stateroom and drink lots of orange juice. Take two aspirins. Cover yourself with all the blankets you can find. Sweat the cold out. I know just what I am talking about. I'm Billie Burke from Hollywood."
The man smiled warmly and introduced himself in return. "Thanks," he said, "I'm Dr. Mayo of the Mayo Clinic."
~Bits & Pieces
Sometimes life does have it's surprises, and sometimes we find out we just don't know as much as we think we do. This short happening made me smile. Hope it does the same for you on this beautiful Fall day.


Betty said...

You bet that got a smile out of me:)

LisaShaw said...

This definitely made me smile. Thanks for sharing.

Happy@Home said...

Sweet story, Judy and it definitely made me smile today.
Hope you have a wonderful day.

Shelley said...

This was a great story Judy - made me laugh! Sometimes we don't really "know it all" and its better to be humble! :-)

momstheword said...

Oh isn't that funny?! Kind of reminds me of when we try and tell God what to do, lol!

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

I will be looking for the surprises coming my way today!

Thanks, Carrie

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Too funny!!

Anonymous said...

LOL This was cute. It made me smile :>)

Barb said...

It did make me smile, Judy!!

Barb ♥

Anonymous said...

Very funny....certainly made me smile!

Empty Nest Full Life said...

Yes, that put a smile on my face. Jackie

Judy said...

How often I am reminded that my perception is way off the mark!

Good story.

Lovella ♥ said...

yup . .smiled.

Everyday Sparkles said...

That's a great story! Thanks for sharing. I'm going to use that one.

a woman who is said...

smiles from me =]


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