Monday, November 2, 2009

Are You Tired?

How about you? Do you feel tired this Monday morning? Was your weekend a busy one? Did you get enough sleep in order to face this new week? Well, just in case you are not aware of what is really taking place in your life this Monday morning, I thought I would share what I read recently, with you...

...If you are an adult of average weight, here is what you accomplish in 24 hours;

Your heart beats 103,689 times.

You blood travels 168,000,000 miles.

You breathe 23,040 times.

You inhale 438 cubic feet of air.

You eat 3 1/4 pounds of food.

You drink 2.9 quarts of liquids.

You lose 7/8 pounds of waste.

You speak 25,000 words, including some unnecessary ones.

You move 750 muscles.(unless you are helping to take care of five small children, then it has to be more than this).

You nails grow .0000646 inch.

Your hair grows .01714 inch.

You exercise 7,000,000 brain cells. you feel tired?

info from Paul Lee Tan

It might encourage you today, to be reminded of just how amazing your life is.


lindsey said...

Wow that is amazing isnt it? And what a lovely that the mummy? if it is she looks in pretty good shape for having just given birth to twins! Are you giving out the babies weights or is is a secret? I hope all is going well, our twinnies turn 2 in 12 days time and I can hardly believe it.

Rach said...

Wow. Interesting! And what a neat perspective!

Happy@Home said...

I was a little tired before reading this post, but now I'm exhausted. I think I need to take a nap now :-)

Just a little something from Judy said...

The twins are pictured with their aunt, our youngest daughter. She is now fulfilling the full-time role as nanny to the five children, which is a huge help to their mother.

The twins were each 5 pounds, 15 ounces at birth. The one was 19 inches and the other 19 1/2 inches. They are growing nicely.

Judy said...

We are indeed wonderfully made!

I am tired just thinking about looking after twins...never mind all the rest. But the rewards of having two are's just the beginning that makes one weary. Such a sweet photo!

a woman who is said...

Ohhh just look at those about busy =]

How wonderful your daughter is help full time!!

What a blessed family you all are!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

It is amazing! We're amazing creatures! God's amazing.

Marty said...

We are fearfully and wonderfully made by our Maker!

Melinda said...

OK--It is 11:18 pm, I should be in bed but nooooo I'm still reading blogs.
I need to pace myself better.
Interesting info.


Kathleen said...

I just woke up but now I'm thinking I'd best go back to bed!

We truly are "fearfully and wonderfully made", aren't we? What fun to consider just HOW wonderfully - - for our blessing, and to His glory!


Anonymous said...

Yep... and I think I'm growing at a much faster pace than most people :>) It's true... We should celbrate every moment of our life ♥
Great post!

LisaShaw said...

Wow! that was interesting Judy and I loved the photo. Thanks for sharing.

Blessings to you and your family.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Oh my! I believ it all except fo the nails..mine never seem to

southerninspiration said...

oh, how cool...and an adorable photo!



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