Monday, October 12, 2009

The Winner Is...

Tonight, my husband reached his hand into the crock and choose a name from the many folded slips of paper. The winner of the new apron is ...Cynthia@An Accomplished Woman. Congratulations to you!
When you are ready to choose the apron that you would like, you may visit She will send you her apron Picassa Album.
Would you please send me your snail mail address, so that I can mail the apron to you. We will be showing blogland the one you choose, before we mail it to you.
To close this giveaway, I want to convey my heartfelt thanks for all the support, encouragement, and kindness you showed through your many comments. Both my sister-in-law and I were thrilled with the response, and grateful for everyone of you. Really, after reading all of the comments, I wanted to send each one of you an apron. But since that is not possible, I'll just say thank you all again.


southerninspiration said...

Congrats to Cynthia!!!


Stacey said...

Congratulations Cynthia! She can definitely use a cute apron for all of that cooking she does. :)

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Lucky lucky Cynthia...what a wonderful giveaway! And I love your new header too!


Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Cynthia ---- we're looking forward to seeing which one you choose! Congrats!!!

And thanks, Judy, for the fun of joining in this great giveaway!

Marilou said...

I demand a recount!! :)

Barbara said...

Poor me! Lucky Cynthia! I guess I know where to get one. It's just that I love to be picked!
Great idea!

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh.... I had no idea. Thank you so much.


Happy@Home said...

Congratulations to Cynthia on being the winner of your beautiful apron giveaway. I am anxious to see which one she chooses.

Have a wonderful Tuesday, Judy.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Cynthia! This has been so much fun. Thanks again Judy for such a lovely give away. I can't wait to see what apron Cynthia chooses.

Shelley said...

Congratulations to lucky Cynthia!!

Marty said...

Yay Cynthia! What a fun drawing.

Barb said...

Congratulations to the winner. I am still drooling over those aprons.

Barb ♥

The Tiquehunters Wife said...

So sad I missed your apron giveaway, but so happy for Cynthia! Congratulations!
I loved the post about your grandma--and each and every apron creation of your SIL are beautiful!
Have a wonderful day Judy!
Blessings to You!
Claudia O.

Judy said...

Congratulations, Cynthia!

Bethany said...

I'm with Marilou!
Congratulations to Cynthia!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Congratulations to Cynthia! She must Be thrilled!

I saw your sister-in-law's aprons, Judy, and I thought they were all lovely! I will keep her in mind when I need a nice wedding shower gift.

Joy said...

Congratulations Cynthia...enjoy!!


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