Saturday, October 10, 2009

Not Quite Like Your Grandma's Apron

Some of you may remember from many, many posts ago, I shared with you what transpired with my sister-in-law and me, in our newly acquired empty nest situation that we found ourselves in. I encouraged her to start sewing again, remembering clearly what an accomplished seamstress she was over the years. Somehow, with four children close in age, sewing had taken a back seat in her activites of life. I had seen aprons making a comeback in stores, magazines and the blogland, so I suggested that perhaps she should consider creating aprons, with her sewing and artistic skills. Well, that was then, and this is now. Yesterday, I asked her to send me some photos of her creations over the last few months, and this is what I received. I am going to share these today with you, only because I thought they were too beautiful to just sit in my email bin. She has been totally surprised at the doors that this new interest has opened for her, and now I understand why.

This is one like I sent to my daughter for a special gift. She was thrilled to have one of her aunt's aprons.

I think this black and white one with the trees, is her latest creation, and I think it is one of my favorites.

Just in case you would like to see more of her aprons, you can email her at "" and she will send you her Picasa album of aprons.

This is my very special apron that I love to wear when serving dinners to friends and family. I don't even have to think what to wear, I just do the black slacks, white top and my fancy apron, and I am set. As I was thinking about these newly designed aprons, I decided that since I was the one who tried to talk her into this venture, that I was going to have an apron giveaway on my blog. Yes, you heard me correctly. If you comment about any of these aprons in the next three days, I will put every single comment in an old crock and have my husband draw a name. That name will win for you, a unique, beautiful, custom made by my sister-in-law apron...from me. I think talents and creativity is a gift from God to us, and I love seeing all of the many talents and creativities out there in the world of our blogs. It is truly inspiring and encouraging, and adds beauty to ordinary days. Please feel free to just might be the name chosen to win.


Elizabeth said...

Good morning dear friend!! Things are starting to slow down a bit and hopefully will get to visit with you more often and start blogging again. I've missed you. I am still enjoying wearing my beautiful apron and love to share the story of where it came from! I'll be talking to you soon!!

Anonymous said...

Your sil's aprons are just beautiful. I really like them all. She has a great talent.

ajwatson722 said...

So I know I have already received one of the beautiful aprons (and wear it all the time), but I would like to enter for another one (and if Dad really loves me he will draw MY name out of the hat.:) It would never hurt to have two, or one to share with my friend who's birthday is coming up soon! Aunt Julie...these are beautiful!

Lovella ♥ said...

For the record. ..I was going to comment even without the tantalizing offer of a give away. Those aprons are so cute. It makes me want to get back into sewing mine again. I've given away three but haven't made one for myself yet. . .but I will . .the ones with the ruffles at the bottom are just darling. They look like a lot of work.

Joy said...

These aprons are amazing! Your sister is law is very talented!

Mammy said...

These aprons are gorgeous! I'd love to win. Thanks for sharing!

Lauren said...

wow...these are adorable! I use to sell pampered chef way back when and still break out my old denim apron when I'm doing a lot of baking. These are MUCH cuter!

You were wonderful for encouraging her to start this business. I'll tell you what, if she put a back on many of these, they'd be adorable sundresses!!

Thanks for sharing!

Marty said...

How wise and kind of you to suggest for Julie to use her creativity in this form. Her laugh is infectious and she's a delight. I've heard of her aprons and have seen only a few - thanks for sharing these colorful creations.

Mandy Hoober said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mandy Hoober said...

I love these. They are so fun!

Sheryl said...

never in my life have i wanted an apron. I WANT ONE NOW!!!

how great of you to encourage her in doing something she loves. i'm glad it is opening doors for her as well!

Tara said...

I love the pink & red cherry apron!
What fun!

Marilou said...

Hmmm..did someone say WIN? I'm not one for competing...but, what the heck...I'll comment just for the fun of it! :) Ok, seriously, I'd pretty much do whatever it takes to win one. So, John, what was your favorite vacation spot again? And what color Harley do you think would look nice in your garage? just checkin!

P.S. i don't suppose a couple of dozen of Jul's Molasses Cookies would come with the deal, would they? Just a thought! :)

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Stunning! I love to wear my apron. But these take them up to a whole new level!

I want one of each! With one of those on, I'd be chomping at the bit to get to the kitchen to make supper!

Thanks soooo much for not leaving those great pics in your e-mail box.

Congrats to your sis-in-law on finding such a great new way to create beauty.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Judy, I'm so excited about these lovely aprons, I decided to post about them and your giveaway at my place. Here's the link:

Bethany said...

I LOOOOOOOOOOVE these aprons!!! I've gotten quite used to wearing an apron with working at the cafe!!! I have to have one of these! This giveaway rocks!!! Oh my!!! and I love your s.i.l. besides! If I were to win this I would freak! and if I don't I may just have to buy me one of these!!! ahhhhhhh these are so freaking cute! thank you for sharing, Judy!

Brooke said...

woohoo! love the aprons and your blog:)

Happy@Home said...

All that I can say is WOW. Wow is your sister-in-law ever talented. Wow what a generous giveaway you are offering. And, Wow do you ever look cute in your hostess apron.

Judy said...

Here I dinner for guests...and wondering what I will wear tonight. Now your black fancy apron would be just the thing!

Your sis-in-law has great taste. What beautiful, fun aprons...all of them.

Wanda said...

Oh, my goodness, Judy! You are so generous - to have a giveaway - WOW! That's such a great idea! Her aprons are SO adorable! You girls are ALL so talented! I'm truly impressed!

Love, Wanda

Tracy said...

Julia has such an amazing gift...her aprons are gorgeous! Please don't include me in your drawing...I've already had the distinct pleasure of winning one and I love it! I bought one for my daughter-in-law (to be) and gave it to her with a cookbook. She LOVES hers, as well. Her creativity shows in every different style. Yours looks especially nice on you! = ) Thanks for sharing. I'm excited for the person who wins! (they're in for a treat!)


Great Grandma Lin said...

add me to the list. Cute aprons...

Betty said...

Oh wow..that is some giveaway..I'd like to enter my name..those aprons are just gorgeous!! That sister of yours is talented!

Anonymous said...

They are all so darling. I love the one with the cherries on it. Sherry sees that she will have a fit. I am so glad you SIL is progressing in her venture. Retirement is hard at first, at least it was for me. Blessings

Katherine said...

Wow. What beautiful aprons! I'm so glad you shared these photos and I'm speechless to think about the possibility of winnning one.

My friend Brenda sent my your link - promising that no matter how under the weather I may be, I would feel better just seeing these creations. She was right!

Love Being A Nonny said...

Wow! what talent! I love the ruffles on the bottom. Maybe I would want to cook more if I had one of these!!

La Tea Dah said...

Brenda sent me, and now I see why! What fantastic aprons. I am so inspired. They are all beautiful! I love your blog. It is friendly and well done.


Lauren said...

I just gave one to Jimmy's mom for her birthday. LOVE these aprons. And since I have a special place in Uncle John's heart (laurnie christarnie- giving away my nickname, thats how much this means to me), here's to hoping he pulls my name! :-) Thanks for all your fun posts Aunt Judy. Have a wonderful Sunday. Love you

a woman who is said...

Oh my gosh she does have a wonderful skill and design ability. I am in love with the pink and brown one. They are all very lovely and well done.

I wonder what other talents are out there among our empty nest bloggers?

Anonymous said...

Hi Judy - I follow your blog & so enjoy your creative ideas. It often reminds me of the precious memories our parents started creating many many years ago.... I'm thankful to know your family. I am wanting to contact Julie to get some aprons for Christmas gifts - so this is a fun reminder - thanks for sharing your fun stuff on the blog! - Melissa Herr

Cathy~Mille Fleur said...

Thanks so much for stopping by and entering my giveaway...I wish you the best of luck with the drawing!!!

Have a wonderful Sunday!!!

Hannah said...

I love the aprons, they are so cute, they would make great Christmas or bday gifts for my sisters. Thanks for sharing them.

Betty said...

What a great idea!...something useful and beautiful...
It's hard to decide which one I like best.
Way to go encouraging your sis-in-law.

Anonymous said...

One can never have too many aprons, right? Especially when they're this beautiful and fun. Aunt Julie is so talented. Thanks for doing this give away!

Marilou said...

Did I leave a comment yet? I can't remember. Silly me! :)

lindsey said...

I have just returned from our weekend away and seen you post...what amazing aprons and such a great idea! Just going to look at your sister in laws blog.

Debra said...

The aprons are amazing!!
And so are you!

LisaShaw said...

The aprons are absolutely beautiful!!! WOW!

Shelley said...

That apron you are wearing is just gorgeous! So classy!!! What a talent your sil is!! Does she have a website yet? She should!!!

LisaShaw said...

Judy, I love the apron you're wearing and I adore the one right above yours -- the black/white and deep pink. I also love that chocolate and pink one.

They are all beautiful. Thanks for entering me into you and your sil's beautiful and generous giveway.

Love ya.

Julie Marie said...

Hello Judy, and thank you for visiting my blog and your sweet comments... all of the aprons are so lovely, I would love to win any one of them! My favorite one is the one with the cherries, it just looks so cute and has that vintage look about it... my mama always wore an apron, and I still do too! You look adorable in yours! Bisous... Julie Marie

Landis said...

These aprons are awesome! My kitchen was last updated in the 1950's. It's a bit hideous, so a pretty apron like those would bring sunshine into my world. :)

Anonymous said...

Good evening Judy, Oh I love all of these aprons. Each one is so lovely!I think my favorite is the first one but it is really hard to decide. What a great post! I always enjoy seeing the talent that others have. By the way your kitchen is so beautiful and so are you ♥

Andi said...

These aprons are outstanding! It is so nice of you to give one away. Julie does such a nice job, they are tooooo beautiful to be just aprons. Thank you for sharing! Love your blog!!!
Love ya bunches!!

Barb said...

Judy, these are just stunning. My jaw has just talented she is!!!! All of them are lovely.

Barb ♥

Barbara said...

Surprise! Isn't it amazing who a"free give-away" pulls out of the woodwork. Yes I just became a blog-follower and "yes" I want to enter my comment for the chance to win a beautiful apron by JULIE! And "no" i didn't see any contest rules that family members are ineligible.
Love your blog!
Love you!
Still eagerly awaiting "the phone call" about my new grand neices/nephews!

Dianne said...

Oh what pretty aprons. So stylish and nice. Does she sell them anywhere. She should. Very, very cute...!!!

James said... apron giveaway! Thank you for showcasing Julie's gorgeous work. I LOVE these aprons! Seriously, I'm thinking that you, and members of your family should publish their own magazine/catalog. So much talent in your family!!

Yvonne @ StoneGable said...

Julie's aprons are just beautiful. I am in a bible study with Julie and I have had the pleasure of seeing these wonderful works of art first hand. The attention to detail and quality of the aprons are over the top... and they are lined!!!
Barb, sent me your way. I love your blog.

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

She makes some of the most beautiful aprons I have ever seen! Honestly. It would be extremely difficult for me to choose just one...they are lovely!

Stay Cozy, Carrie

Unknown said...

What beautiful aprons... she is very talented. You should be so proud.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Oh they are all beautiful! I'm glad I did not miss seeing this post Judy, as the weekends are always such a busy time for me I hardly have any time on the computer. I'm going to e-mail your sister for her apron album -- I think her aprons would make a nice Christmas gifts!

Heidi said...

I absolutly adore them! How cute!

Unknown said...

i was introduced to your blog by my sweet friend and old neighbor (thanks stephanie!!). i often check your blog and although i enjoy it i have never commented before. well, i couldn't resist today... not with the opportunity to win such a cool gift! thanks for sharing!
fondly, becky

Sara said...

Hey it too late..????
:-) Love them...have one...but you know it's sort of like shoes/ can never have too many!!!!!

Brenda said...

Ooooooh! I want one! I think I might look too fat but they are so very darling. My favorite one (although I love all of them) is the pink and brown apron with pink roses in the middle and stripes on the top and bottom. It is just so chic and cute! i think looking the part is quite as important as actually performing well.

Then again, I can just imagine my darling DIL that is a fabulous baker in the cupcake apron with ruffles.

I can't wait to find out! I hope that I am in time.

Kathleen said...

I just had to drop by to applaud the stylish apron assortment. My mother wore hers a lot. She had full front aprons, and half aprons for her lap only. To this day I wear aprons too, though they are hardly as sassy as these.

Funny how something as simple as an apron dots life with richness. Why am I not surprised to find that here?

Blessings & hugs,


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