Thursday, October 8, 2009

My New Banner

Yesterday, in the mail, I received my first hand crafted banner from a very talented blogging friend. Her blog is "cherry'sjubilee" and her artwork and creativity are amazing. I have visited her blog many times, always admiring what she does. She had a giveaway, and lucky me, I won this beautifully done "cherries" banner. I hung it on the bulletin board in the craft area of my home. It looks so nice hanging there, along with other special gifts I have received, including;
a perfectly photographed bookmark from Shelley at "buildingalogcabin"blog
a hand painted bookmark from "charmingdesigns" blog
a handmade card sent to me from my friend, Heidi
another handmade card sent to me from my friend, Judy.
and pictures of my family.

As you can see, there are many lovely touches added to this banner. I have seen many of the banners she has created, and I do feel honored to display one on my bulletin board. You may want to pay a visit to her artistic blog...""

My craft area is a small section of a room in my house. The rest of the room is part play area for the grandchildren, part library, and part relaxing recliner where my husband enjoys watching his sport events. This room is one of the most used rooms in our home.

I created this craft area two months ago. I love sitting at this desk and working, especially if there are some good football games being played on television.

This old plate was one my parents had hanging in their basement many years ago. I always liked it, and I am thankful to have it for my wall, along with a wooden reminder to me, to always..."count my blessings."


Stacey said...

Congratulations Judy! She does make the most adorable things. I'm absolutely amazed by the details. Love your craft room. I would love to have an area like that of my very own.

Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

Hello Judy!

How exciting and congratulations! I LOVE her handiwork to! The banner is so cute! I love your creative space that you have created! Nice to be close to the family while crafting to! I have a rocker in my craftroom and TV to invite hubby to come kck up his feet.

Have a wonderful day!


Judy said...

So happy for be the recipient of your blogging frinds hand-crafted banner. Most beautiful...and hanging in athe most appropriate place. It looks like the perfect spot to get creative...or just enjoy a quiet moment.

Happy@Home said...

Congratulations on being the winner of that adorable banner. I love the little button cherries. I like where you have hung it among all of the other "smile bringers." It was fun to get a glimpse of where you make your fabulous creations. How nice that you can be amongst family members as you create.

Marty said...

Your crafting corner looks so inviting and fun. Mine is a mess - can I come play in yours? =) What a nice blessing to receive from 'Cherries' - she's a talented woman.

Anonymous said...

Judy, I am the worst craft that ever was. I have bookoos of projects that are not finished. I have a bad habit of starting things and not always finishing. I have a nice studio room upstairs, but I do all my creating on my kitchen table. I like to be near the downstairs windows and be in and out. That will be ending soon since cold weather is coming. A very nice gift you have there.

Lauren said...

well if that doesnt make me want to sit and do crafts all afternoon, not much else will. Thanks for all your fun posts Aunt Judy! Always something I look forward to reading each day. So fun to see you the other night, if only for a little bit and from the other end of the table! Love you

Anonymous said...

Good afternoon Judy, Congratulations on your win. Your craft area is so pretty. It looks so homey with your grandchildrens pictures and all. I can see why you enjoy spending time there. I hope you are having a lovely day today.

Julie Marie said...

Hello Judy, and thanks for your sweet comments on my post today... I love your craft area, so nice to have a pretty window to look out...your new banner is beautiful! Happy crafting! Bisous... Julie Marie

The Tiquehunters Wife said...

Hi Judy!
I took some time to look at your post from this past week. I really enjoyed each one! While each one is a delight, I especially loved Your table post! Loved the double uses, and the lovely settings--and your family spending time together! Heartwarming!
Congratulations! Love the banner! I've visited Cherries many times to be inspired and cheered! I love how you have created your special place to include your husband! It is a great way to do what you enjoy and still be together!
So nice to visit here!
Blessings to You!
Claudia O.

momstheword said...

Very cute! I love your craft area, it's adorable.

I tried to visit that link and all I saw was a page from 2005. Do you have a more current link? Thank you!

Connie said... the new blog look and congrats on your new banner and other goodies. Your craft corner is so neat and I love the plate from your parents home. It was fun catching up with you tonight. Have a good weekend.

I'm off to Women's Retreat with my daughter. Should be fun and a nice time for both of us.

Love ya, Connie

Tracy said...

Congratulations! What a beautiful addition to your creative spot! = )

Chad, Linds and the Twins said...

Dear Aunt Judy,
What a beautiful craft room!
It is always so fun to see your fun and creative ideas. It is always a highlight for me getting to check your blog during the week. Please don't take a break like you mentioned in your posting a few times ago. Chad would be sad as well since I made the vegatable beef stew adn cheesy biscuits last night!!!And always try and make the recipes you post bc they are so delicous!!! Love you! hope you have a great day!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

What a beautiful win! And I have to say, I really enjoyed seeing your creativity corner in your home. It must be fun to sit there and dream up new things.

BTW, I love your new blog banner and look. Wonderful!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Congratulations on your pretty winnings!

You have a very nice craft area --it's always nice to do work in the company of family and be able to watch TV and converse while crafting.

I have a scrapbooking area in my basement where my husband has his office, so we chat all evening :-)

LisaShaw said...

What a beautiful new banner and a precious gift. Love your creativity area. Love ya.

Shelley said...

I'm so honored that my bookmark is on your beautiful board! The banner is so pretty too! So many lovely things on your board!!


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