Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A Fall Wedding

My sweet neice and the guy she just recently married in a destination wedding. The destination was the Rocky Mountains. Sadly, we were not able to attend this wedding, due to other circumstances back home, but I was so happy to receive these pictures of a little girl I watched grow up into a lovely young lady. Whenever I see these pictures, I realize again how much I missed by not being at this wedding.

The lodge where the wedding was held.

The bride and her father, my handsome brother-in-law.

What a beautiful, rustic, mountain location for a wedding. My other brother-in-law performed the ceremony.

I think the mantle is decorated in a beautiful Fall theme. I was told the windows beside the fireplace, overlook the mountains. As the ceremony was taking place, snow was lightly falling outside. What a perfect setting! the first week of October was an added blessing.

My dear BIL and SIL, with their daughter and new son-in-law. How happy they all look.

My neice, the bride, baked all of these loaves of bread. I heard it took her an entire day. They were used to give table numbers to the guests at the reception. What an act of love on her part.

The wedding cakes looked so good displayed on the vibrant green linens.

I thought you might enjoy seeing a few of the pictures from their wedding day. For me, I always enjoy seeing wedding photography, especially of those near and dear to me and my family.


LisaShaw said...

Aww, absolutely beautiful! Congratulations to the precious couple.

Thank you for sharing with us Judy. I'm praying for those precious grand babies of yours.

Love you.

Anonymous said...

That is CERTAINLY the coziest wedding I've ever seen!!! That fireplace is sensational!! And I will bet will make the coolest photos!! Oh, and baked bread too??? LOVE IT!

Rach said...

Oh my! What a beautiful celebration. We'll be celebrating our first year anniversary in less than a month. Can't wait!

Kathleen said...

"Taste" certainly runs in the familly genes! What a beautiful setting; so romantic.

For some reason I want to go home and put up my Christmas tree.

Blessings & hugs,

Shelley said...

I love fall weddings! (Today is my anniversary!) I really enjoyed these - having a reception at a mountain lodge sounds ideal to me. I love their idea of giving everyone those loaves of bread. Everyone in your family must be thoughtful and creative! (Will you adopt me???)

Anonymous said...

Very nice. I did enjoy seeing those pictures. Everyone I know has to have a church wedding, as in religious, so I don't get to see many other types of weddings. I love any kind of wedding. Many happy wishes to your lovely niece and new nephew in law. What a nice idea of the bride's to give out a favors.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

It looks like it was a lovely wedding. What a neat place to hold one!

Lemonade Makin' Mama said...

what a gorgeous location for a fall wedding.

Happy@Home said...

I'm so glad you shared the pictures of your nieces wedding. What a beautiful setting for a fall wedding. I can just imagine seeing the mountains in the background with a light snow falling. How pretty that must have looked. Your niece sounds like a special young lady to make all of those loaves of bread for her guests.

Anonymous said...

Good evening Judy, I too love seeing pictures of weddings. Thank you. How romantic a place to have a wedding. Everything looks beautiful. I love the idea of those little loafs of bread as place cards. That is just the sweetest thing and especially with the ribbon in the different colors that match the pretty cake. I love little from the heart touches like that ♥ What a truly beautiful bride!

amy said...

Hi Judy!

The creativity and hospitality genes seem to run far and wide in your family. How lovely!


LisaShaw said...

Hi Judy, I just recd your message on my other blog. I wrote back to you via Email but I'm unsure if you recd it. I didn't rec the emails etc today. I'm so sorry. I'm unsure why you can't get on the blog either. I pray for all of that to be resolved quickly so you can access. I hadn't heard any problems from anyone so we'll see. I love you. Praying for your precious family.

Blessings each day said...

Okay, Judy, now I know it's genetic...creativity just flows through the veins of all your family members! What a lovely wedding and how beautiful everything looked.

blessings and hugs,


Tracy said...

What a beautiful, beautiful wedding! That setting is incredible. Everything looked just wonderful. Thank you for sharing it with us. May God bless the happy couple with many years of joy and happiness!


Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

Hello Judy!

Thrilled you tried and loved the pumpkin bread! It is a favorite here to! The wedding looked like is turned out perfect! So pretty and the surroundings are heaven! Oh Judy, the twins are precious! What a blessing they will bring in all of your lives!



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