Sunday, October 11, 2009

An Apron Update

Greetings to each of you, my blogging friends. Your gracious, kind and encouraging comments regarding my sister-in-law's new apron venture and her latest apron creations, have left both her and I, feeling quite overwhelmed and thankful. Because of this, she came up with the idea, that the name that my husband pulls out of the crock tomorrow evening, will be given the special privilege of choosing the apron of their choice from her "" Picasa album, instead of me choosing which one I will give away. Yes...if your name is chosen, you will get to choose your apron...the exact one you would like to have. There is plenty of time left until tomorrow evening, to visit my apron post, and comment. That is all you need to do to qualify. Both of us are excited to be involved in this giveaway.
Today is a clear, cool, lovely Fall day here in my part of the world. I took the above picture yesterday in my walk in the woods. I could have stayed all day, it was so beautful! I wish each of you a relaxing enjoyable afternoon, and I want to thank you again for your friendship in this world of blogging.


Anonymous said...

What a nice idea for the apron giveaway. I love the picture on your post. Yes blogging is the most fun I have had since water skiing. LOL
No,I loved water skiing a lot. Blessings

Jeane` said...

Do not include my name in the drawing, as I already have been the lucky recipient of one of these precious creations....HOWEVER, once I'm back to my 'normal' size (whatever that may be), I would like to have a dress made just like one of the aprons (it was a fitted one with yellow/orange color scheme, rather vintage looking)!! I loved it!!!
Great giveaway and fun responses to read!!! (And no, no contractions worth writing about yet. Please tell Kim not to call and ask me anymore, just so I don't bite her cute little caring head off. :) ha!ha!)

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

I just browsed the full album which Julie Ann sent to me. Oh my, I just love would be hard to choose just one.

I look forward to hearing who the 'lucky' recipient is in your draw!!

Glad you've still got autumn in the wind..... our days are quite wintry still. Which makes me thankful for furnaces with thermostats that crank up, as well as hot water tanks for hot soaks in the tub!

Happy Day!

LisaShaw said...

Beautiful giveaway gift for someone to enjoy Judy. I love that beautiful photo!!! I could walk along that path for hours praying.

Love ya. Praying for your family.

Shelley said...

Beautiful photo today! And what a wonderful and unique giveaway! I'm off to check out the aprons....

Happy@Home said...

How kind and generous of your sister-in-law to make that offer. Someone is about to be very blessed by both of you.
Your photo is lovely. A walk through those beautiful woods looks like the perfect way to spend a fall day.

Julie Marie said...

Hello again, I just looked at all of the beautiful aprons, good luck to everyone, including the lovely lady who made them... your photo of your woods is so gorgeous... I would just want to walk in there all day too for my daily Nature walk... there is something so quieting and comforting to me about the woods... and enchanting! Bisous... Julie Marie

Anonymous said...

Thank you Judy for your friendship ♥ The picture is lovely. I love the fall but not so much winter. Your sister-in-law is very generous to help with a give a way this way. I hope you have had a great weekend.

Blessings each day said...

Giving something to someone who doesn't give to you is so gracious and warms the heart. I think we are meant to be givers as I do love to give so much!

You always have something nice to give, Judy, just through your sweet posts!

blessings and hugs,


Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

What a gorgeous walk in the woods you had! Just beautiful...

Stay Cozy my blogging friend,

Chad, Linds and the Twins said...

They are the most gorgeous aprons. I am doing that as a Christmas gift for my mother-in-law and sister-in-law! Such fun posts!


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