As I read back over the last half year of my blogging posts, I came to realize that my posts have taken on a new direction. I realized I spent probably too many posts on my grandparenting role in life. Then I realized that is what my life is comprised of the most these days. I find great joy and contentment in this role although I am not sure it would add much interest to the weekly blog reader. So, maybe you will want to skip over the next few years, and come back when I go back to more of the crafts, recipes and gift-giving that made up this blog originally. I will totally understand, really I will.
Since Monday evening five of my grandchildren, ages 4 and under have been in my care. Their parents had an opportunity to go away together on my son-in-law's business trip. I wanted to keep them, the five of them. I wanted to see what days are like with these five little ones. I tell you, I have a whole new appreciation for my daughter and the life she lives each day. I personally have never been so busy, so tired. This week their little lives have blessed mine in so new ways as I am there throughout all of their happenings, their questions, their fights, and their "best friends again" moments.
And yes, the twins did turn 1 year old while they were away. Actually one had a birthday tonight and one tomorrow. I mentioned before that even though they are identical twins they were born on separate dates...1 hour apart.

Tonight we celebrated the two of them with our very simple and hurriedly prepared birthday dinner. Did you ever prepare dinner with five little ones. I wonder how the Duggar family did it? Thanks to my wonderful sister-in-law who came and took the three oldest on a long walk and treasure hunt, and the two littlest ones who were taking a nap, I made a pot of spaghetti, broccoli and salad. Actually, my other sister-in-law came in the morning to give me a needed break also. How fortunate I am to have these two special SILs and good friends in my life! If you know anyone near you that has many small children, taking time to give them a break, even if only for a hour or two, is a most AMAZING gift. Today, I was made more aware of that then ever before. Gifts of time are so precious!
Hard to believe these two little guys have been with us for a year aready. They certainly add lots of fun and energy to our family.

I hesitated sharing this moment of our family dinner, but I thought you just might enjoy seeing how we went about serving 5 small children dinner. My youngest daughter has help to nanny these children since they were born. She does a great job! I felt a real sense of relief as she walked in the door after her day at work. She has a real gift with little ones. She has evening bath time for the five mastered perfectly. We will miss her so much when she gets married in the next few months. As you can see we divided the adults with the children.

Spaghetti...what grandma would serve that as the dinner menu to so many children? But, I knew they all liked it and you can see by the pictures that they really did....messy faces and all.

Even I have some trouble politely eating spaghetti.

When it came time for dessert, these two had had enough. Quite frankly, birthdays are not as great as they thought they would be. We just could not console the one little one. Actually, the other one doesn't look thrilled either.

Vanilla ice cream balls, chocolate syrup drizzled over and colorful M&Ms on top. Add four big-eyed animals from a KMart clearance counter and you have one fun homemade version of birthday cake. They all loved it. As for the 4 candles instead of "1"...I wanted it to look brighter and I knew they would like it.
It has been a fun and tiring day. Soon their parents will be back, and now I have new ways in my mind to be better able to help out with my daughter and son-in-law's crazy busy, yet rewarding lives.

A yummy, simple dessert with no leftovers when dinner was over.
They love to eat ice cream.